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Sir Smirkov

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Smirkov) and was a member of Noob Table

Rank: 20

Sir Smirkov

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Darkin) and was a member of Malice

The era of Sparker saw Sir Smirkov and his men enjoying the spoils of war which they had horded from thier previous accomplishments. There was much feasting in the halls of the newly "aquired" city of Omdurman where succulent legs of lamb, ham and human child (if they could find one) were devored every night.

As such the dominon of Sir Smirkov dwindled losing much of its former glory. Rising inflation and an increase in the world price of tree saw a decrease in the production of buildings whcih had a trinclke down affect eventually slowing the number of trollish men wanting to join the armies of the mighty NT armardas.

NT once again through great cooperation and teamwork was able influence the working sof the world and eventually seeing as the world was dieing voted to re new life on the world by destroying the old and allowing the new grwoth to flourish. It was Duke Challym who was designated this most important task and with the aid of Jolins mighty stronghold was able to do so.

How every NT's influence over the world of VU was to come to an end as it was found that a strange force was limiting team co operation to just 3 lords. (It was found that everytime more than 3 lords would gather in a place to discuss tactics they would inadvertly began a conversation about the state of their mother in laws crooked toes. it was actually a disturbed servant (a certain Erunion Telcontar) who noticed this oddity and it was decidied by the lords of the land that it best to only congregate in groups of 3 inorder to proptect their marriages).

Sir Smirkov did not take this news well at all. Turning a bit made the lord of omdurman ordered all NT artefacts to be removed from city walls and momnuments and stored in huge vaults to be protected until the time when the kingdom would be reformed. Receeding to his personal chambers Smirkov was not seen for many a month and it is was thought that the great knight and died. Eventually a couple of Trolls took the initaive and removed the hinges from the door and peered inside the chambers.

The trolls could not see smirkov though on the walls was scribbled in an illustrous kind of ink "The halls of asgrove need to be restored. You need to return to your chosen people. Malice guide you"

Smirkov son of Smirkov had finally resumed his former identity, Darkin had returned to wreck havoc on the land and the ... where going to help him to do it.

Mr. Darkin

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Redemption) and was a member of THE GOOD SIDE


Mr. Redemption

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Redemption) and was a member of Phil Reborn

Era 19
lead the kingdom of Malice along with Thrall and Livak.
Fought Nefarious early on before coming to an agreement.

Had a good alliance with Grand delusion and kingdom of Heaven and Larry Flynt

Had a good war with Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Lost everything to Reborn in the last RL day of the era.

Finshed Rank 36 of 72

Malice may reform one day.

Mr. Redemption

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Mastermind).

GvE was fun. it was a good feleling being part of a big kingdom again. Played a trollish mage for the good side and had some great barbeques.

finished 12 th in the GVE world on the winning side