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Mr. Gothmog

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Gothmog II The Avenger).

Sir gothmog leader of the Valiant's
Lived through many ages but now has come to pledge a war and armies on revenge on the people who kept him hidden.
Once known as an ancient philosipher and then a Religious figure he has now turned to war and death and the evil side has taken control he can tame the wild orc's while the humans cower in the streets.
Valiants are the Religious Orc Warriors they are seperated into different groups in which they can prove there loyalty by chosing to die for the Horde of Gothmog or Killing for the horde.
"Dont use a cannon to kill a mosquito"
Gothmog despite confusious quote will do that he does not care how he kills an enemy as long as the job gets done. He follows simple rules of life. Give respect to get respect, Know when to surrender, Know when to bow down to a stronger person. He has been known to be quite Mysterious because he has only ever been seen by 12 people due to his Scars and disturbing looks. But dont confuse his looks by his power to rule and power of a strategist.

Sir Gothmog II The Avenger

Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Gothmog Iii The Grande) and was a member of SOLDIER

Not much has passed since the day of reckoning when the world fell appart, Only a son named from a father GOTHMOG was passed onto the new lands, His father tought him well and he will put his skills to use. Allthough his father isnt technicaly dead he lives quietly in the many manors and castles in his lands.