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Family History

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Mr. Xela

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Xela).

Xela has lived for a very long time but has traveled to local lands of late. In his old lands he was a hero with a unsatiable lust for blood. In battle he was what seemed like everywhere but in all reality we know that that is impossable.
more shall be recorded later.

As of current affairs it seems that Xela shall meet a untimely end to the hands of Rambo just because he doesnt like me around and wont even speak with me, he will only dystroy my towns.

Mr. Xela

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Xale).

when news of his fathers death ears reached xela's ears while he was traveling in a distant land he decided to grow his own empire under the rule of a distant king. After a month or two his empire has started to generate enough funds to start engaging in battle.

Chief Xale

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Battousai).

When the fabled spell of armmagedon was cast at the end of The Dark Ages Xale knew he must start thinking about who to pledge his allegince to and he decided that the trolls would be his best allies in the coming months.
because Xale had been spending so much time with the trolls he has began to learn most of their secrets. He has also introduced a new element into the trolls normal life. Magic is what he called it. It brought a new found wealth into the trolls homesteads.
After several months of being around the trolls Xale begins to rise in the ranks of the trolls faster then he could have imagined. Xale has become a force to be feared among small towns and large alike he has taken a liking to taking towns rather than making his own.
Now after spending a year or so with the trolls he has begun to command larger and larger numbers of his minions. He has also been able to conquer many towns around his homes and increase his pockets two fold.
Xale has excelled to the ranking of chief causing him to be the leader of his trolls and nobody else can match his rule or so he believed. He has been brought to a roaring halt as he loses two towns in two days. He has seen his coffers collapse after bursting. He has begun to be more self reflective and learn more rather then just relying on brute force.