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Family History

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Ms. Elizabeth

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Lady Elizabeth) and was a member of The Legion


Ms. Lady Elizabeth

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Lady Veronica) and was a member of The Legion


Ms. Lady Veronica

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Lady Victoria) and was a member of The Legion

As the daughter of King Kulren of the Legion kingdom, Ms. Tolondria sought to prove herself a credible future heir to the thrown as she built Fantasia and Hoback in the Northeastern region of Mantrax. With her army of 600 men and major city Fantasia, and peasant population of a little over 16,000, she looked on at her accomplishments as her cities and people thrived. King Kulren couldn't have been more proud of his daughter's attempts, but sought to make Mr. Draconius heir due to his vast wealth, power, and military experience.
In Ms. Tolondria's attempts to prove herself to the king, she dared to take on the F E A R kingdom in her attempt to seek her father's favor as heir. Although her armies were 2,000 strong, her military was unable to overcome Mr. Webs' 10,000 plantoon threatening Fantasia. Although her people put up am astonishing fight against his troops, Ms. Tolondria was killed by one of Mr. Webs' captains, whom broke into her castle, slayed her lifeguards, and killed the princess in her sleep.
Although Ms. Tolondria's attempts at gaining her father's favor were in vain, she left a daughter behind, Lady Veronica, who grew to love her kingdom and overcame challenges her mother never could. She married Mr. Draconius, who had become almost like a son to King Kulren after his daughter's death. Loving her people, their rituals and customs, Lady Veronica tried her hand at expanding her grandfather's kingdom.