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Mr. Gulcasa

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Gulcasa Syaxe III) and was a member of Seventh Sanctum


Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe III

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Gulcasa Syaxe V) and was a member of MYTH

Gulcasa IV Snake, the ruler of Bronquia, "The State of Might". Hired by "The Great Sir Ready". To form a Union of the brotherhood between the Dwarfs. Though Gulcasa was a Human, he fought with the Dwarfs, shield and Armour.

Between the misty noise in the city of Flarewerk, Gulcasa's Son, Gulcasa V, Studies the age of war craft to defend and maintain the Ruler of Bronquia. As the heir of Gulcasa IV.

The Main Core of United Nation has fallen, and the Dreadful Armies of CE is marching towards Second Core and Third Core, At this time, Gulcasa IV, sent out immediate messages of aid, to the neighboring cities, but none replied, even his greatest of comrade,didn't reply. So then Sir Gulcasa IV had to send his Son into War.

Sir Dope Leader of the Free people of the United Nation, resigned from his duties, within it's time, Sir Dope committed suicide, but the last words he said, before his passing. "I' rather die then live to see my world end by the hands of CE."

King Stromweaver was then appointed to the Leader of the Free People, with his efforts, alone, he could not maintain the stability of the kingdom, his dire need, found an option, To Marry Queen Kisharianda Of The Dark Avatars, an alliance merge into an Empire.
****Recorded Era****
* King Khain Stormweaver, Holding the Sword of his Farther. began to lifts up the blade, towards the Sky, while two kingdom's people, meet, watching the Man, with the Blade Of His Fathers, Lifting it towards the air. His white armour shines between all men, to unite the kingdoms, He said to them.*

---"The Kingdoms of The Free People, We are the ones, that holds our hearts, We are the ones, that share our kins, We are the Knights, that our farther dreamed of, We are, our protectors.....Not a day goes pass, when our brothers have fallen, we will protect our kind, we will defend our unity. For the sake of the free people, We will not be afraid to face death in the eyes, we are a Union of Heroes...Don't forget that...Don't forget that.."---------Khain Stormweaver.

*The sky seemed calm, while all the peoples voices seem to quiet, not a whisper was heard, between the lines, of men, they just stood there, looking deep down in their souls to find the courage to muster, if man ask god for courage, god shall give them the opportunity to act courageous.* -----The sound of the people lasted...long enough to say..

-Gulcasa IV

Lived in Era 36. Member of Dark Avatars

The invasion has began, Third Core is now on their knees, but the Knight of Stormweaver, Khain Fought valiantly defending the Third Core. Reinforcement headed to Third Core, then the army began to crumble and disappeared, defeat was adamant. Most of the people in Second and Third Core evacuated to the Main Core of DA.

The Son of Gulcasa IV, was sent out, with the Banner Of The Union, He sent out to protect the last hope of the Third Core, Gulcaca V, fought several battles, with the enemies, Magic Range strike Gulcasa V men weaken, but Gulcasa V still had the strength to carry on, So he held tight on his sword, and fought heavily. During this campaign, He met a ruler, Willsui, who befriended him, during this time, Willsui was in the middle of the invasion, loosing most of his cities to CE, So Gulcasa V, Stopped his assault to Red Alert, with 5,000 men reduce to 1500, he began to save the Cities of Willsui, In the Lake of Fire Swollow, a huge battle was at foot, with the swift of his blade, he was stronger then any normal Axe men, with his 100 loyal Axe men body guard reduce to 24, he began to fought to the very end, near the lake of Fire Swollow. Suddenly, Shot by an arrow, his men quickly ran to his rescue...they were too late..--

--Gulcasa V fell in the river, with five arrows fused his chest, the heir of Bronquia fell in the Lake of Core.

---Gulcasa IV Snake couldn't bare to berry his son, kneeling down on the field of Bronquia, he said to himself, looking down at the ground.

"A Father that out lives his son, What kinda farther is that?"

----Gulcasa IV Snake.

Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe of Mad Against Drugs
Total land: 348593 Battles won: 40 Cities captured: 16
Total killed: 11557 Science lvls: 18 Total troops: 325384
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 1% N: 0% V: 93% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe V

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Gulcasa Syaxe VI) and was a member of MYTH


Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe VI

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Gulcasa Syaxe VII) and was a member of MYTH


Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe VII

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Gulcasa Syaxe VIII) and was a member of MYTH
