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Mr. Skyonejr

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Skyone).

No Mercy!!!!!!

Mr. Skyone

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Sky).

When I was young I used to enjoy sitting on my grandfather’s, Mr Skyonejr, knees and listen to his stories. He often pointed at the beautiful countryside around my home city, saying that one day all of this will belong to me and that my destiny is to become a great king, who will increase the kingdome’s weath and territory. This words has had typed in my memory and I will make my grandfather’s dream come true, even if this costs my life.
I will have no mercy to anyone, who stands on the way of my destiny, and I will treat him as an enemy, who will be eliminated.
Let the legend of my family begins.

And shall never ends……………

I have established the Holp city on The 296th day...
The next city, named Forest, was found 2 days later...
On The 305th day I expanded my territory North by Ford Holp.

Mr. Sky

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Skyone) and was a member of Orcs Kingdom

After a short war my DAD was defeated/killed,so I must continue the story of my family....
On The 384th day I created my first city.....New Peace...
On The 500th day with Mr. Shadow Dragon we established "Orcs Kingdom"......soon this Kingdom will show you what True Power really means!
I've shown my power to Mr. Bunnies and tîîê/conquered/captured his city "MR Bunnies" on The 507th day.....
We WINNNNN.....Mr. Bunnies is destroyed.....
Again The War reached our was cruel and bloody.
Our cityes fall one after the other,but I get-together all my army and together with the army of my brother in arms
Mr. Shadow Dragon we decided to engaged in to a despaired
contra attack towards our enemies unprotected towns..... and
they fall and burned before our combined after the other.We will surviv and our enemies will forever regret the day they messed with us.Nothing can stand on the way of our revenge and only the remains of our enemies ones prospering cityes will remained the future generation of the blood thirsty of the savage Orc race.....ORCS,ORCS,ORCS,ORCS ORCS,ORCS,ORCS,ORCS.............

Mr. Skyone

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Skyone) and was a member of Peacekeeper


Mr. Skyone

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Skyone) and was a member of Peacekeeper
