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Family History

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Mr. Agua Ultima

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Agua Ultima) and was a member of THE GOOD SIDE

Warpig has Returned.

Mr. Agua Ultima

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Agua Elementa) and was a member of dharan empire

Extracted from Agua Ultima's Journal
Day 269
Very ill...command given to *illegible name*...
Fire raining down...too much magic...
army marches on...
Day 385
I have finally recovered from my terrible illness, and it is finally time for my armies to destroy ebil!
My troops and my allies have broken their defenses and soon all ebil will be wiped from this world!
Day 436
Ebil has no chance now, the end is near.
Day 449

Mr. Agua Elementa

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Tsunami) and was a member of dharan empire

Taken from a Scholar:
Agua Elementa discovered a unique thing that none of his ancestors had before...he knew how to use magic!

History: Agua Elementa
Agua Elementa joined dharan, led by King Senturu, whose ancestor, King Senturu was familiar with Warpig, Agua Elementa's Great Grand Uncle.

Mr. Tsunami

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Tsunami Rider).

Tsunami's Dad, Agua Elementa was too reckless and teched too early...Tsunami will be more careful, but Tsunami is now left it a much more dangerous situation than Agua Elementa.

Tsunami was attacked by 2 enemies, both stronger than him, and was obilerated.

Mr. Tsunami Rider

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Fuego Walker) and was a member of Kingdom of Heaven

Rider seems to be the only success story of the Tsunami least for now...he is the only one who has survived more than 2 years after being decided king.

In time he managed to train the strongest army on Zetamania...a total of 90k axemen, with over 70k runemasters for support.

Sadly, soon after raising this army, he was taken by a plague that swept the whole nation.

Mr. Fuego Walker

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Fuego Walker) and was a member of Kingdom of Heaven

Fuego Walker did what all dwarves do! Mine mine and mine!
And where do dwarves mine? In the mountains!
Ofcourse, Fuego Walker happened to stumble upon a volcano...not a mountain.
He doesn't seem to mind though, and literally walks over the magma in the earth, to find all the stone and gold(gold in volcanos? Must be fake, but this is our secret) he can get.
Thus he got his name, Fuego Walker.

Mr. Fuego Walker

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Fuego Walker) and was a member of Kingdom of Heaven
