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Mr. Nostradamus

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Nostradamus).


Mr. Nostradamus

Lived in Era 47, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Spasticus Autisticus

Mr. Nostradamus has won 20 battles, captured 11 cities and killed a total of 454666 men and women and then lost his army on a bad dice roll and that was the end of Mr. Nostradamus :(

Screw that, I'll just make another rocket launcher :)

or maybe not when your teammate casts dragon in your core and all your cities are in its path

A dragon attacked Almanachs We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 64268 peasants in the battle. The dragon stole 1345737 of our gold!

Mr. Nostradamus has won 24 battles, captured 12 cities and killed a total of 542871 men and women

Ended up 8th
Mr. Nostradamus of Spasticus Autisticus (Orc)
Had 346895 land, 240990 troops and 20 science points. Killed 542871 soldiers, won 24 of 35 battles and captured 12 cities.