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Mr. Scatterbrain

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Scatterbrain).

Golden strands of hair blown back by the wind, his mind in every place but here.

Sir Scatterbrain

Lived in Era 12 and got 0 heir(s) .

Golden strands of hair blown back by the wind, his mind in every place but here.

Some things are nothing short of pure ecstacy.

There are sirens waiting at the end of this trip
Our ships are as good as sunk and we are as good as dead
If I'm mistaken, there was something before this
Once upon a time, we left our homes for space
We never quite returned in sense of mind
And, of course, our bodies will never be the same
I've gone back to what far-transcends Earth
On some craft pointed away from the Sun
It's getting cold
So cold...

I would never divert my eyes from stars again
The black is just too much to take in all at once
Satellite, don't betray me now
When our lives are so deeply entwined
If I wake up, don't touch me
Don't ever touch me like that again
I'm afraid I might fall in love
And you know that love is obselete...

It's lonely here, out in space
And to think
We were once connected...