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Mr. Anonymous of Arma

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous of Arma).


Mr. Anonymous of Arma

Lived in Era 47 and got 0 heir(s) .

You have 675763668 gold, 822198771 stone, 189930550 tree and 531482737 food.

Each science level will give additional 10% bonus.
Military Science
Level 7
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +70% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 258,455,595,723,988,000,000 gold, 25,845,559,572,398,800,000 stone and 25,845,559,572,398,800,000 tree.

Level 50
Upgrading will cost 11,614,087,834,782,400,000,000,000,000,000,000 gold and 1,161,408,783,478,240,000,000,000,000,000,000 food.

Level 15
Upgrading will cost 74,315,747,818,402,100,000,000 gold and 7,431,574,781,840,210,000,000 stone.

Level 17
Upgrading will cost 242,462,604,337,212,000,000,000 gold and 24,246,260,433,721,200,000,000 tree.

Level 4
Upgrading will cost 7,961,055,472,090,500,000 gold.

Magic Level
Level 10
Upgrading will cost 10,519,394,333,008,400,000,000 gold, 935,057,274,045,189,000,000 stone, 935,057,274,045,189,000,000 tree and 935,057,274,045,189,000,000 food.

Production & Resources
Name Tax Gold Food Stone Tree

Total: +7,784,921 +9,517,353 +3,483,829 +583,879
Army Upkeep: -3,712,831
Building Upkeep: -1,578,562
Total Income: +2,493,528

At this level the food market can be taken control of and then food can be sold to the natives at prices of 0.92 - 1.32 gold per 1 food.

I played most of the age with my total income in the red but still made a killing with the food market and stg'ing mine/others stone. My average income was around 230 million gold every 24 hours.