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Mr. New

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Aeneas) and was a member of Flames

After being flung out of hell, the elf was helpless. He wandred for days, upon days. Until he saw a war band or dwarves coming, all he wanted was a little food and water, but instead he got a fight. He had to fight the mighty leader of the Dwarves, Vaelator. They fought hard, Fafnir hit Vaelator with magic, but Vaelator fought back with pure streanth. In the end Fafnir gathered all his might and hit Vaelator with his mightiest spell he knew. All he heard was a blood curdeling scream, and he feinted.
When he woke up, he found himself in a lavish tent, sourounded by dwarves. His first instinct was to fight, but the dwarves seemed to bow before him when he stood up. Then it dawned on him, he defeated thier leader, so now he's the leader of these dwarves.

The dwarves could not say the elvish name, so they just called him New. They followed him without question, they followed him to a land called mantrax. It was a rather peaceful Land when "New" came, so he decided to establish a city called "New City" and then an armoury for protection of the warbands close by called "New City II" All was well untill New's scouts reported sighting some of Vaelator's cities nearby, all Fafnir knew was that he was going to be his target, so he quickly trained 5,000 Hammerthrowers and took Vaeleator's cities without much resistence. After that Fafnir knew that he could not survive on his own, so he started a kingdom, a kingdom named Flames.

Flames was started and he accepted members, he found out there was a force in the north, a kingdom called Greece. Fafnir sent troops out, and also destroyed them without much resistence. As his kingdom grew, all got stronger, but all was not well in the land of Mantrax. There was a rumour, that an orc, by the name of Santa Clause started a kingdom called Dorian Empire. Fafnir knew right away that that kingdom would be the challange, witchever won this war, would control Mantrax. So Fafnir sent troops east, to try and hit them hard while they were still settling down, but it didn't work. Fafnir had a hard time with them, he held them off, but he didn't defeat them.
In other parts of the world, one of his trusted advisors betrayed him and went to the kingdom of Dorian Empire. The southrners though had little trouble with him, they destroyed him completly. While the destruction of the betrayor was going on, Tak the Naked and Dargow were defending the north from Master Abraham and Ms. Dominia of Dorian Empire. In the end, like all things, both of the DEs' fell. While that was going on, Fafnir hit Abraham and took his main city. After a little while reinforcements from Tak and Dargow came from the north, and DE fell. In the south, Kaslan, Vulover & CO took out the rest of Greece, and then started a great campaighn against DE in the east. Once again DE fell, then everything fit like a puzzle. All of DEs' cores fell.

All was peacefull in Mantrax for a time, but Fafnir's members were restless, so the once allianced kingdom of Legion decided to fight Flames. Once again there was barely any resistence, and all of Legion fell once again.....all of Mantrax was devoured in Flames. Some say there's a myth, the myth says that the Kingdom of Flames accually uses a spell, a spell that kill people inside the city, or the armies in the battlefield. A spell that is so terrible, none have been able to defend from it. Whether that it true or not, we shall find out. The great and might kingdom is going to try out it's streanth compared to that of Fantasia's.

So in the end the of the great kingdom of Flames, nine stood out, the nine that made Flames great, Dargow, Snafu, Tak the Naked, Nathan Rhal, Kaslan, New, Yigoor Yibyorak, Hobo, and Jaker, but of course you can't give all the credit to these 9, others had a great role to play in the domination of mantrax.

Mr. Aeneas

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Arla).


Mr. Arla

Lived in Era 24 and got 0 heir(s) .
