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Mr. Mano

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Mano) and was a member of The one and only

Upon entering this world, the young Mano finds himself far to the north of the world, among a band of dwarfs, -remembering the tales that have lived in the family for many many era's since his ancestors chose to leave the world- about this proud stout and noble beings, he joins them, and upon seeing his potential the dwarfs make Mano their leader.

The first days in the new world Mano and his band of dwarfs start sending out scouts to all areas around them, meeting new friends but also meeting old warriors, witch tales have been told about from father to son in Mano's bloodline from the era where his Ancestors fought for justice in Serenity.

And from that day Mano obey the orders of his great king, Morgan of the one and only, taking parts in their war to secure a home, and then the defense of constant attacks from various enemy's, as peace never seem to last, Mano studies deep into the dark magic of the past. learning spells of great power to the joy of his friends and to the horror of his enemy's

Now, as he feels his days draw to and end as he ages with time, the young ruler looks back with pride, so far no enemy have managed to break his defenses for his kingdom. and the stout dwarf still stand as a proud and might ruler in his kingdoms core

Mr. Mano

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Mano) and was a member of The one and only
