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Mr. Robert

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Robert II) and was a member of Knight Templars


Mr. Robert II

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Robert Iii) and was a member of Survival

At the dawn of the new era, Lady Charlotte gave birth to her son: "Robert II"

The day he was born, the moon was read, the stars black... An omen of ill times to come.

Unaware of this, he founded an empire near a lake called Siverspring - not knowing it was in the middle of Legacy terretory. First he founded a village to the south; Southern Village which blossomed! Then he went to the north to found the Court where he wished to reside.

But then Sir Abaddon of Legacy came and captured the court. Robert II had no other choise but to abandon the court and led all his minions to the safe walls in the south.

There he started forming an army to repell the enemy, hoping to live out the remainder of his life imprisonned in his city...