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Family History

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Mr. Toe

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Bruce) and was a member of Deaths Demons

i aam young and unwise now
when i grow grey and wise i shall make a peaceful era
plz help save me young

Mr. Bruce

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Menzy) and was a member of Deaths Demons

I will leve the life of my father
but a will revenge him from
all help me in regaining my father
When i die help my son or my
wife i have not faught but heard my
father was brutish in conquering
just to let you know my brother
is Alexender The Great

Mr. Menzy

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Toe).

oh Death demons help me help me
we shall conquer all the wolf people.
all of them i say
then afetr that we kill sezymon
i will revenge my late family members
thank you fo rletting me stay near you
will shall rise and not fall
lets make this happen
Destroy wolf people
when i die help my wife or sister

Mr. Toe

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Toe).

my brother did not have a wife or kid but 2 brothers.
i am toe95 his oldest and Alexnder is the youngest.
i will do a good job this time and when i die
alexander will take over a whole empire
my kigdom has fallen so lets rebuild a new
dot kill me or i will kill you
we can be friends instead of enemies
i have broken joing the kindom of the deah demaon and
have joined the grate Aces
i have taken control of Nachocity single handly

Mr. Toe

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Alexanderthe Great).


Mr. Alexanderthe Great

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Magnefico).

i joined the shinobi empire
i made alexander and macedonia
i saw and thought about taking over
greece and delphi