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Sir Octavius Patricus

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Octavius Adjutor).

There were many tribes on these northern grasslands. Some lived in the hills and some in the plains but they all were the same people and had common enemies. The threat was growing ever stronger and so the tribes held a meeting to discuss mutual defence and to unite the tribes. Born to one of the most respected tribes, he was chosen to be the head of the Green Sea people as the tribes were united.

He lead his people with great wisdom and strenght of heart. He held them back when they wanted to fight and sent diplomats to the neighbouring courts instead of assassins. The feeling of trust towards their leader made them tougher and more united than their enemies.

He was the only one of his people to see friends as well as enemies among their neighbours and so it was him, who welcomed the travellers from a distant land and gave them all they needed from the goodness of his heart aswell as from the will to learn about other lands. And so he heard the word of the Republic and gained great interrest towards it.

Later on he decided to join the Green Sea people with the other nations of Republic to form a mighty alliance and overcome their enemies. He changed his name to become a true republican and so he was to be known as Octavius Patricus, the one who united the Green Sea people and brought them to the light of civilization.

Sir Octavius Adjutor

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Octavius Adjutor) and was a member of The Republic

Octavius Adjutor

Being from the very outskirts of the Republican Empire, he was among the last people to flee from their lands as the pre-armageddon-chaos consumed his tribes plains and hills in it’s dark depths. He took his family and followed their leader Octavius Patricus to what remained of the once so great Republic and left his beloved homeland, known as Gryne Mer, ‘Green Sea’, behind. That day he promised himself, he wouldn’t look back, but create a new home, a new hope for his family and people to once again prosper with whatever was given to them.

His people was greeted with great warmth in their new place of refugee. The ruler of these western people was Torbjörn Starke and he was kind enough to share whatever was left in his war struck land with the newcomers. The two people lived and fought together to the bitter end but it didn’t seem to be enough and so they had to flee again. This time the remains of his tribe settled in a small town of Jebus in a forest that used to be part of their lands. There they hid until the very end of the world.

Unfortunately, their leader went down with most of the tribe as the old world crumbled to pieces and so they had to choose a new one from amongst them. As it had always been, the heir was not a son directly by blood, but by spirit and honour. So the handful of men gathered to discuss their situation and after a short palaver they chose this young man to be their leader and the heir of Octavius Patricus.

To honour the Republic and the old ways this young man left his former self behind and changed his name to a suitable Republican name - Octavius Adjutor, the ruler of the Green Sea people in exile.

Sir Octavius Adjutor

Lived in Era 13, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of The Republic

As he had lost all of his possession and people, he wandered as a lonely ghost looking for a place to get some rest. He came upon a lake red of the blood of his people and saw what had happened to them under the cruel rule of their enemies and the disgust and rage made him swear to the gods that he would cast his revenge upon those responsible of this massacre. That he would take back his physical form and make them suffer no matter what it takes.

To his amazement the gods answered to him by turning him back into flesh and blood. He noticed the price he had paid at the very moment. He had lost all his magical powers and the inner peace he once had. He was no longer an elf but an ordinary dwarf possessed with earthly greed for gold. And yet his greed for revenge on The Kingdom of Legacy grew even stronger.