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Mr. Dead OR Dying

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Dead OR Dying) and was a member of ~Hells Wraith~


Mr. Dead OR Dying

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Dead OR Dying) and was a member of ~Hells Wraith~

After spending Era 23 in the noble Jester Empire I drifted away with Sir Lucifer Dasinister in his kingdom of ~Hells Wraith~ . We settled a few cities and flourished until one day a messenger arrived bearing bad tidings. The words were like acid to our ears. The kingdom we had fought so bravely for in the past era was being ravaged by Carnage and Vendetta. We thought hard about the people we knew, our friends who had been slain by this unworthy foe and knew we could not sit back and watch while what we had helped to build was destroyed.
Sir Lucifer Dasinister and I rushed to help defend the Jester Empire from the rampaging hordes of Carnage and Vendetta. On our way we recruited the survivors of other kingdoms who had also fallen to the enemy. We found Mr. Raikiri, leader of the Shinobi Empire wandering alone in the forests in a daze. He told us how he had watched his entire kingdom get massacred by the enemy. They had made him watch the spectacle and then sent him out to let everyone know the cost of defying Carnage and Vendetta.
Mr. Jibbymaster the leader of Herbal Essence joined us in the fight when Vendetta attacked his kingdom and started to burn their fields and destroyed his magical crops. The smoke drifted across his land and sent all the members of his kingdom into a lethargy that seemed impossible to wake from. When they did manage to stir all they wanted to do was eat. Mr. Jibbymaster, due to the effects of the smoke, mistakenly disbanded his kingdom and traveled away. When he reached our lands he broke out of his stupor and vowed to regain the lands his kingdom had lost.
We found a wandering minstrel on our travels Mr. Darkness who joined us so that he could write about our deeds and set it to music. So that our heroism would live on in the hearts of Fantasian people long after our bones have rotted to dust.
Mr. Lord V was also among us he wished to join our fight as he too had seen friends and foes alike slain by the mass of soldiers that breached our borders.

The battles have waged on for days both ~Hells Wraith~ and The Jester Empire are almost defeated by their barbaric enemy.
This isn't a battle the likes of which are spoken in fairy tales it is of biblical proportions with thousands of men, women and children all killed or forced into slavery by the scourge from the South. I fear I will not be alive long enough to tell the whole story of this era as I have vowed that if needed to save our kingdoms my life will be forfeit. If this is the end of the story then know that we have fought and died upon an anvil of war that was not of our making. My descendants will avenge my death as I avenge the death of my ancestors.

Mr. Dead OR Dying

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Dead OR Dying) and was a member of ~Hells Wraith~
