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Sir Shahal

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Daemonshahal).

These are the tales of Shahal and his lineage.

When Shahal awoke, all he seen was only a large open field and a small number of people. No one knew eachother but seemed to look to Shahal for leadership. Was it the tribal markings that scarred his body, his regal stature or something mystical about him. He did not know nor cared why. Since they did follow him without question, Shahal used this to his advantage and started construction of a colony for him and his followers to live. He deemed this colony Midga'ard.

Before the time of Armagaedon, all was good. Shahal expanded his empire in to the surrounding area. King Illan of the Kingdom of Terra Incognita took him, his citizens and towns into his kingdom and for a time they prospered.

Shahal was plagued with nightmares. Dreams of an epic battle in the sky between Angels and Demons. In his dreams, he is a demon fighting angels. This bothered Shahal. He wondered if this battle is where he received his scars from.

Shahal discounted his dreams for being just that dreams. There was point in him worrying about things that may not be true. He continued to lead his peaceful and happy citizens as if nothing has changed. Once again for a time things were good.

One day, while conducting business as usual, Shahal had a visitor. The man walked in to his chamber slowly was wearing a dark cloak. Shahal asked him of his name and business. He replied, "I am your father and I've come to warn you." Shahal was petrified in his position for a good few minutes and then finally retorted with, "There's no way you are my father. I have not known anyone to be my family. I am all alone in this world!"

"Well you wouldn't know any family here would you?"
"What are you talking about? What do you mean?"
"You, Shahal, are not of this world. You are a devil and were the heir to the thrown of hell."
"You're lying!!"
The man shrugged then suddenly threw off his cloak. What Shahal seen next astonished him. The man was covered in the same markings as himself and even more astonishing was the wingspan protruding from his back. "It is true isn't it? But why don't I have wings and what does this mean for me?"

"It wouldn't be safe for you here if everyone knew you were a devil so I disguised you and your people as elven folk when I sent you to the planet after the Great War in Heaven. I sent you here to prevent you from once again being exiled back to Hell with the rest of us, because, after all you are my son."

"What did you want to warn me about?"
"Heaven has discovered your existence on this world and will use any means to destroy you! They may even destroy this world to accomplish that."

"How am I supposed to stop them?"
"You may not be able to and there's no way we can help you. Demons can't exist in this world. The only thing I can do is warn you. But now I must go. I cannot risk having my presense felt here."
"I understand father. At least I now know the truth of my origin. Farewell, Father"
"Farewell, son"

The next day Armagaedon was cast upon the world. Soon after the Kingdom of Heaven on Zetamania destroyed most of Shahal's empire and Terra Incognita. Shahal was forced to retreat to his secret palace in the mountains of Burmecia and has plotted his revenge ever since....

Unfortunately, revenge would have to wait a generation. Armagaedon is only days away from completion. The world was all but lost and there isn't anything anyone could do about it. He was forced to hand his only progeny over to his father for safekeeping in the underworld.

"Before you go, son, I have a few things to tell you. When the world is reborn, find a man named Sephiroth he will help you. Remember to protect yourself from the forces of Heaven. Don't make my same mistake." He gave his sone a hug than says, "Goodbye, Daemon."

Shahal then turns around, sprouts his wings then flies away to face the oncoming darkness.

"I will be back....." , Daemon vaguely heard as he walked into the abyss.

Mr. Daemonshahal

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Shahal LL) and was a member of The Imperial Knights of Dhara

Alas, the Gods find it fit to rebirth this world. So let it be done.

Though the world was reborn, even in the beginning, there were chaos in the lands. The select few chosen to remain after Armageddon to repopulate the world were already fighting for territory in the over crowded world. A midst all the chaos, risen from the abyss was Daemon, also known as Sir Daemon-Shahal after his father. He travelled far and wide to find the most suitable location for his people's colony. He eventually found it nestled in a mountain and deemed this place Neo Midga'ard.

Word went out that Sephiroth, the man that Shahal told his son to seek out, was no more. Daemon was alone in the continuing chaos.

At one point, Daemon befriended a tribe of Dwarves led by King Dunham II of the Earthen kingdom. Soon after in a small war between them and Legacy, Dunham was slain. Lann, Dunham's only son rose to the throne in his father's place.
Daemon decided to join Lann in his fight against Legacy. For no apparent reason The God's of VU decided to that didn't like the union of Daemon and Lann and disbanded the Earthen Kingdom.

Legacy then burnt Neo Midga'ard and Corel to the ground. Daemon and his people fled to the forests of Macalania to regroup.

The Imperial Knights of Dhara, impressed with Daemon's effort, took him and Lann into their Kingdom to continue the fight against the Kingdom of Legacy

Daemon-Shahal died at the the hands of Legacy. R.I.P.

Viceroy Shahal LL

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Shahal) and was a member of Hellspawn

When his son died. Shahal was in furiated and made a form of himself on earth. He vowed to make Legacy pay for the death of his son. be continued...