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Mr. Himanil

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Himanil Raina) and was a member of Phantom


Mr. Himanil Raina

Lived in Era 34 and got 1 heir(s) (Himanil II).


Mr. Himanil II

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Homanil III) and was a member of Imperium Of Knights


Mr. Homanil III

Lived in Era 35 and got 1 heir(s) (Himanil IV).

Even as the last of just another wave of enemy attackers fled Homanil III collapsed on his magical ruby encrusted sword made of a strange metal, momentarily the remnants of the Imperial Guard were dismayed but Homanil III smiled to show he was still alive only resting. As his mind wandered over the events of the past few weeks that had led to this moment he seemed to pass into a strange trance as his eyes closed……..
‘It was past midnight but the merrymaking marking the anniversary of 10 years of the establishment of their recently founded megalopolis still continued. As Homanil III made his way to his palace a massive fortress atop a hill in the dead centre of the city, he was grumbling to himself about the lack of self restraint of his ministers and the incompetency of his generals, an occasional passerby would hear a snatch or two like “Next thing we know and they’ll be roaming the streets in their nightclothes singing those roguish songs of the outlanders” or “A few more battles like that and we may as well through down our arms and welcome those fiends into our city”. As he reached the immense courtyard of his sprawling palace a company of the ‘Imperial Guard’ his second finest soldiers saluted him and his mood improved slightly, at least he could be in the company of some civilized and competent men, as he walked slowly two figures completely covered by silverish grey cloaks and hoods drew up to him and one spoke urgently, ‘Grave news my lord, the army of General Fawn has been totally destroyed and the general taken hostage, we saw him being executed before our own eyes.’ Shocked as he was, Homanil managed to croak, “How”? The second one replied, “The rumours are true my lord, the powerful kingdoms from in the south have secretly been mobilizing their troops and plotting against us while supplying the barbarians with equipment for war and their generals in the fight against us.” “And General Greyback, what happened to his army,” asked Homanil fearing the worst, “Escaped my lord, but barely, it was in his fight that for the first time the Southerners showed their true colours, their numbers are great almost indominitable, the Generals rearguard fell heroically while securing the retreat of the cavalry, the General was in the hospital and ought be on his way up here right now.” Without delay Homanil immediately issued orders that all the army of the city whose wits were not clouded by ale report instantly to the rally point in full battle gear, then very soon he was conversing with General Greyback who reported that a Southerner army of near uncountable size had secretly been mobilized and they had slain every soldier on the Western frontier and their preparations for an attack were almost complete. It was while preparing to march to their city did his scouts find them and as a result all his army except his cavalry had been massacred, no sooner had Greyback finished than the sky was suddenly blazing red, for some time the sky remained red and when finally they saw what was coming they were terrified. Thousands of strangely contorted and twisted Nazguls of unimaginable size were bearing down upon them showering the entire city with fireballs the size of catapults; the screeches of their riders filled the heart of all, even the stoutest of soldiers with dismay. Many flung down their weapons and covered their heads with their hands as thousands of catapults unloaded their fiery load on the city and the roars of the gigantic Trolls seemed to reverberate in the air even long after they had stopped, which was seldom. The very foundations of the city seemed to be shaking with the tread of the massive Southerner army. Every time the archers of the Southerner army would fire the entire sky would get blotted out. Amidst the confusion that reigned the enemy hordes advanced rapidly and in a few moments tore down the huge gates of the city and created enormous holes in the walls from which they poured forth like ants going to a feast, the entire city was rent with the cries of women, children and men who were slayed in their beds or ridden upon mercilessly. What little of the army that had been formed in the city was near instantly swept away by the massive southerner army. Those who managed to escape to the palace watched in horror the carnage below, while the Imperial Guard and remnants of the city garrison mournt and raised an angry fist towards the killing grounds below. By the magic around the palace no catapult hurled rock or aerial being was able to enter, only by land could the enemy come. In the meantime Homanil, the Generals and what mighty champions remained marshalled the forces available in the courtyard of the palace; Homanil was carefree, for his family was far off in the old well protected colonies and he had forcibly sent General Greyback with his cavalry to inform them of their demise and prepare for war. As he stood there in his magical armour and he surveyed the burning fields, destructed homes and corpses strewn all about and a mighty rage rose in him, just then dawn came and sunlight hit him, the then green fields and all about him, he drew his sword and raised it above his head bellowing a massive war cry as a challenge to the first waves of the enemy troops that had just appeared, they halted daunted by the challenge but soon moved forward again with some trolls that joined them, they had not taken one step before arrows flew and hit the trolls square in their heads, the infantry fled only to come back in greater numbers. So the battle began and thousands were slayed for each of the Imperial Guard till long the enemy infantry refused to advance and came forward only when some were flogged.
Homanil opened his eyes and looked about him; the thousand strong Imperial Guard had dwindled to a few score, the once green fields were red with blood, 3 nights and 3 days had come and gone and dawn was coming again. Their line was thin and the enemy gathered again, Homanil sighed looked up into the sky and at that time it looked beautiful with many stars, the moon and sun visible. His men had fought bravely and were then beginning to fall from sheer exhaustion, General Greyback ought have reached by then, Homanil thought. It was time. Homanil rose, the sight of his massive and sturdy figure gave hope to his men who rose and formed a battle line again, but Homanil advanced forward alone disregarding the cries of his comrades, his mind clear. He stood alone for some time waiting till eventually trumpets were blown from the enemy side and their General a man of massive build himself came forth. “Surrender and you may……., he never completed his sentence for the moment the first 1 word was uttered Homanil’s blade had swung and the Generals head was dismembered from his body. Right after that Homanil shifted the amulet around his head and muttered strange words, the last that one saw of him if any was him levitating 20 feet in the air with an unearthly golden light emanating from every part of his body followed by an almighty blast that incinerated everything within a 100 miles of him and the aftershocks could be felt thousands of miles away. Not a single object remained within the 100 miles except for the magical blade and armour of Homanil. Thus it was that the 4th king of the Raina dynasty met his glorious end but his dynasty one with a undivulgable purpose lived on.

Mr. Himanil IV

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Himanil V) and was a member of Imperium of Knights


Mr. Himanil V

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Reborn Himanil V).


Mr. Reborn Himanil V

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Himanil VI) and was a member of Lightning Dust

The cloaked warrior with tattered clothes staggered onto the summit of the snow covered mountain, the distance had been great, yes seemingly uncoverable in the time he had, but his skill and will were greater. Even as he surveyed the desolate lands before him hordes of people got busy bustling about, propping up tents for shelter, lighting fire and erecting defences, Himanil retired to his swiftly erected quarters.

At the crack of dawn the Imperial Guard sentry gave a challenge and on receiving the correct counter reply murmured his assent. As the man entered Himanil looked up, 'Well' asked Himanil his voice quivering with trepidation A smile lit across the stone like face of the guardsman 'My Lord' he spoke and for the first time Himanil had heard his voice quivering. As Himanil looked on, the Guardsman bent before him proffering, offering to him a long item in a piece of cloth. Hand trembling Himanil extended forward his hand and carefully took hold of the object. He carried it out and looked about finding to his surprise his army assembled there with a great many others looking on expectanly.

Himanil flung off the cloth and lo, his eyes beheld the legendary sword long thought gone, it's ruby encrusted handle and strange metal shone brighter than any object ever seen under the sun. Swinging his blade around his head Himanil thrust it above him and it shone in the rays of the sun such that all who looked on shielded their eyes, for now there emanated a fiery golden scarlet light from it. Gazing at the sword Himanil cried their battle cry to a thunderous response from his army and resounding cheers from his citizens.

A new age had begun and Himanil was back with his people to reclaim what was rightfully theirs, no more would the be denied, they had had a dream and lived too long in fear and uncertainity for it, now would be their time to have vengeance to hunt down the hunter, it was their turn to fear them now and they had no intention of stopping till they achieved what they desired.

From the ashes a Fire had been woken,
From the Shadows A light had sprung
Renewed was be the blade that was broken,
And the Crownless was again the King.

Mr. Himanil VI

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Himanil VII) and was a member of Blood Lust


Mr. Himanil VII

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Himanil VIII) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Himanil VII walked slowly from the library some time around dawn. As he glided along the corridor flanked by Imperial Guardsmen trying to concentrate on vital matters of state, his mind kept wandering off to all that he had read in the Library. He was an aged man now who had seen much of the world and was already reverentially talked of in the history books as the scholar-diplomat who had brought peace and prosperity to a land once ravaged by glorious yet terrible wars under Himanil VI who had earlier re-discovered the legendary sword Dragfury.

Yet he regarded himself as a dissapoinment to his people, for though his people had enjoyed an era of peace in his early years the likes of which had never been seen before there had then come great wars, wars the likes of which had been heard of only in tales. Fields were destroyed, cities were set ablaze, the air stank of death, the soil was coloured red and nothing but death and destruction was to be seen all round.

Descendants of the once feared Southerner's had finally been met again and they combining forces with the greatest kingdoms all over the world assailed Himanil's kingdom along with many other peace desiring ones which then banded together under the name of LD (BL merged), ROC & CRAZY. For long they fought a loosing war hopelessly outnumbered by their viciously fierce enemies who banded together under the alliances of MAD, PKS, FATE, REBIRTH joined by numerous other alliances. Though outnumbered 3 to 1 and outpowered over 6 to 1 the forces of light fought valiantly slaughtering millions of the enemy till finally CRAZY being unable to defend LD's economic populace was cut off and then LD and ROC run over.

It was a terrible war wherein the enemy surrounded them from all sides but Himanil VII was amongst the few who managed to break through the enemy ranks and head for safer pastures. There after overcoming grave perils Himanil VII succeeded in establishing a new kingdom where he found similar minded comrades in GOTF. Slowly then Himanil VII re-built his kingdom in multiple worlds always seeking peace and trying to keep his people out of harm's way till eventually another war broke out in GOTF against Dynamite. Himanil used his military force in the war as well or at least what little of the elite veterans who remained of the gigantic mega war from the lands of Starta.

Now as Adam's eyes were clouded by a mist he sat on his simply made throne, his eyes shutting for the last time as he went into a very, very deep sleep his mind filled with many un-answered queries and thoughts but they eventually were laid to rest as he peacefully departed Nirvana for the heaven's above.

Lord Himanil VIII

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Himanilviii) and was a member of Guild Of The Fallen

Sol Invictus, we (GOTF) and FATE initially got together and decimated BBMMB after which a sort of alliance was formed and we began readying for the attacks on our lands that we knew would come. RVL broke upon our front the western and northern taking cities. Initially with great speed we retook all the cities that they had captured but RVL outnumbered us 2 to 1 in terms of members and slowly and steadily they drew nearer and nearer to the GOTF defences. By the time they had multiple massive armies assailing our main blockers in the west and north RVL appeared in the south and south-west as well which was Sol Invictus's responsibility, despite numerous and detailed warnings, threat reports and assessments given by us to them they ignored it mostly because their leader had a grudge with ours (Dragon) over a former GOTF player who left us to join Sol without warning. For some time there was a bit of war between that player and some GOTF players near our core where the rogue players had been farming all along. We overpowered him and by then Rebirth appeared on the Eastern and Southern front. For many a hundred ticks the battle waged, long before the decisive point came Sol broke and fled to another world. After long fighting when eventually Rebirth I believe CF'ed us due to our gallant fighting and the western front was beginning to stabilize the highly powerful and controversial kingdom of No Pulse appeared right on the GOTF front which was far too much of a strain to bear and our defences were broken. Mine, If I remember correctly was the longest blocker to hold out before it fell as well. At ever step we fought waiting for the reinforcements from FATE which shared our core but at strategic points (i.e, places where it's first cities began it cities acted as blockers) but it never came. As our core after bitter fighting was overwhelmed some of us managed to retreat inside the FATE core where they had long stayed safe and tried to rebuild while hearing of the exploits of our members of Latha who were dominating the world. There were about 300 ticks left when the enemy appeared even on the gates of the FATE core from north and south. Abandoning our economic reconstruction we geared for war and fought furiously as the enemy advanced from everywhere. Even in FATE's core ours were the last cities to fall. We had a hope of survival still by passing across a bridge where FATE had re-gathered but despite a week's worth of warning they didn't even listen to us and shot us down themselves. What remained turned back and fought gallantly to their deaths. That was the story of the Guild of the Fallen in Era 42 of Fantasia.

Lord Himanilviii

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Himanil IX) and was a member of The Federation


Lord Himanil IX

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Himanil X) and was a member of The Federation


Duke Himanil X

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Himanil XI).

Era started with me in 23 man Federation in Valhalla. GoTF landed next to us. Constant communications with my leader Uther resulted in the implementation of several urgent and important changes (Re-structuring of 1st Brigade and dissolution of 3rd Brigade and their merger into 2nd).

War was hard fought before we retreated from our core and 2 more cores were established. We lost because the first wave fought terrifically supported by a couple of members of the second wave. However the reinforcement wave never arrived. Though we were a 20 man kingdon on paper, it was only 10-12 people who were actually fighting.

One core was established under Uther and a farther one under me. We built and built till our 2 cores got concentrated and a solid line of mega cities bordered the Gotf border. Got promoted to vice at around the same time.

Relentless started to attck us and seized our unbuilt armouries in Arma before pushing us into our core. At certain cities located at strategic locations we made a stand and routed their armies. NEBC attacked us as well, we defeated them and gave them respite, yet they attacked us again behind our backs. This time a few of us literally decimated them.

Just when we gathered armies enough to beat back Relentless, a war that had thence far been a stalemate Anti Federation appeared with farmed up armies. In one sweeping blow their 4 of 6 armies got decimated by me. Our mages did a splendid job of keeping them frozen and giving them an occasional taste of fire.