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Viceroy Ppdpls

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Augustus Inhonestus).

Lady Ppdpls the Ugly is the last descendant of the Ancient line of the revered dwarven family of the Uglys. Traditionally all the Ugly family males where named Augh, but since the line had no male heir Ppdpls inherited what was left of the Uglys once great fortune; A small estate located by the fork where the river Wood runs into the river Food. Attached to the estate she also inherited a count title, and the service of 50 retainers.
Soon after her installation the young dwarven maid begun her work to restore the Ugly family's former glory.
1. Ppdpls is dwarvish and is pronounced "Popadopolis"
2. The miningcamp(nowadays a flourishing city bringing in high revenues to the estate) New Aughalon was named after the ancient seat of the Ugly family, during its last years Aughalon was also the capital of a great kingdom. But it was destroyed in the era of Roxbury, and the Ugly family was sent into exile and was absent in world history for hundreds of years.
3. Many of the great houses that now rule in kingdoms and duchys where once vassals of the Ugly family.
4. The phrase "Cavemaster" was originally invented to describe the marvelous miningskills of the engineers in service of the Ugly family.
5. Ppdpls has got marrige proposals from around the world, the rising star of a Ugly noble has political power, and many nobles of higher rank but lesser enterprising attitude thinks they will get a free ride to even higher power, and non the least; more money.
6. Despite her last name, Ppdpls is actuall considered to be quite attractive, for a dwarf that is.

King Augustus Inhonestus

Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Aughustus Ultionis) and was the leader of The Republic

---------Has NOTHING to do with Ppdpls, the Ppdpls line merged with the Smak line, if you want to read more, here is the story about smak and his descendandts:

*The Chronicles of Aughustus Inhonestus*

Gaius Aughustus Inhonestus was the son of Silinde Aughustus Turpis who was a consul of the secred Republican fellowship. After the cataclysmic ending of the Fourth Era of Rambo Aughustus Turpis and his followers(they still belonged to the SE formally at this time) settled by a mountain. These pioneers where a group of republican elves who strived to build up a model society. Unfortunalty a band of human bandits led by the rogue knight sir White burned the hamlet down and expelled the republicans. Trying to defend the settlement, Aughustus Turpis was killed, and so it would seem the humble Aughustus line was wiped out.

But nay, the wife of Aughustus Turpis, Aughustus Pulchellus, was pregnant with his child. The child was named Gaius Aughustus and given the cognomen Inhonestus in memory of his heroic father.

This is his story.
It starts in a barren mountain-range of western Fantalia.

The elven group had been wondering the wastes of Fantasia and Fantalia for hundreds of years. It was ruled by the principles of anarchtic consensusialism, but this was about to be changed.

For days now the older men and women had been bickering about whether or not the valley below would be a good spot to settle. Gaius, was anxious in many senses, both becouse this was clearly the best place they had found as long as he could remember and becouse he feared his older comrades could not agree on this, no mather how long the discussed.
He took the talkingstaff, and trailed to the middle of the circle...

"We have discussed this long enough. It is time we make a decision, the companionship elected you becouse they trust in you to make the right one. But if you cannot make a decision I will make one for you...."

Shouting and with fists over the air some of the old crones and grandads protested, but Gaius silenced them by holding the staff up high in both of his hands.
He continued.

"There will be no consensus in this decision..." grumbeling and swearwords met him, they all knew what his ideas where, and they didnt like them. "... Either you stand with me and settle in this valley, we will rebuild the glory of the past and never go hungry again. Or you keep bickering as you keep your long fruitless jurney, a jurney that doesnt lead to anything."
He took a short breather.
"I know some of you think that in the end of that jurney lies utopia. But I say THIS is utopia!" He made a grand gesture out over the lush valley that lied beneath the high ground on wich they had camped. They always camped on high ground for defensive reasons. Gaius raised his voice:
"I know you, Teclis", he pointed to the older grumphy elf, "thinks that this not the dream my father had, but you are wrong. The only difference is, that for me, this is no dream"
Gaius took another paus before dropping his bomb, he was nervous and eager at the same time.
"I have aready talked to every elf younger than 500 years, none of us has ever lived to see two nights in the same camp", not excacly true but it was a saying among the Republican fellowship, "and we are going down there now, this morning, and tomorrow we are raising homes.... made out of... out of wood"

As the his last words left his tongue a uproar started, but he ignored it all and and walked out of the circle, people shouted at him to stop, that he couldnt do this, that this had to be discussed.

As he reached the lair they had set up half the elves had already begun packing, a large group of young men and women came to meet him and he proclamed "It is done!"

A roar rose from the crowd, "Inhonestus! Inhonestus! La Repubblica Sormonterà! Vir Aughustus Inhonestus!"
And so some of the Republicans settled in a valley in western Fantalia while others remained in the mountains where they bickered for 250 years until a exeptionally cold winter drove all but the concil down to join the flourishing settlement at Inhonestus Minu. What happened to the counsil is to this day unknown, but several different stories are still told about the "consil stolidus", some say they where taken by wolves, some that they where turned into stone from sitting still too long, some say that they finally grew tired of bickering but instead of giving in to their oponents the killed theirselves one by one untill only Teclis was left and he, being the only one left, took the decision that they should not settle in the valey and promtly continued to march, to this day looking for the hallowed realm.

*to be continued*

King Aughustus Ultionis

Lived in Era 14, got 0 heir(s) and was the leader of The Republic

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