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Mr. Bam

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Ham).

likes toothpics

Mr. Ham

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Chloride) and was a member of The Dorian Empire

Unlike Mr.Bam, Ham has quite a good imaginiation, as you can tell from his name. He also had some interesting idea's which are clearly not copyied off some random internet site:

It is very easy for the human "Self" to see and criticise the faults and mistakes of others, which, whilst focussing on others, keeps their focus off their "Self" (Ego) and keeps them blind to it and their own mistakes, which is why the "Self" always looks out and never in. It does this to protect itself because if it looked at itself, it would deflate by seeing the truth about itself, instead of inflate and grow by criticising others.
This is exactly what occurred in the blind allegiance to the Newtonian paradigm. Kuhn's thesis also illuminated the problem of personal investment in science, revealing the way scientists often make their careers from particular discoveries, usually at universities or private institutes, and then tend to defend these theoretical positions - seeing them as the source of their personal status - against newcomers with different ideas, even if these ideas are objectively better and more complete.

Mr. Chloride

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Dos) and was a member of The Dorian Empire
