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Family History

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Mr. Watson

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Galadriel Angel).

Mr Watson, halfling son of Ms Baileys

My family tree is full of nuts, i guess that makes me a squirrel
My Mother was an eccentric lady who sat at a wooden table with a bottle of Baileys and 2 glasses, always ready to welcome visitors from near and far ,which is how i came about i suppose, but it also was her downfall. A peaceful family who due to attacks from unknown foes is rapidly turning to thoughts of revenge..... when my head is clear enough to think. Thoughts have now returned to building up the farms, mines and mills to supply those items required by others

Lady Galadriel Angel

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Galadriel Linwelin) and was a member of Noob Table

Lady Galadriel Angel was hidden by her father Mr Watson deep in the mountains to protect her from danger as she grew into womanhood. My Lady has inherited many facits of her father and so once able she left her hideaway and travelled out into the new world. After wandering far and wide, Lady Galadreil Angel met with The Republic. She joined them as she was tired of being alone and wanted to unite with them in their fight against the tyrants of the new world. Things within the Republic were not what they seemed. My Lady began to doubt her choice of allies. After much deliberation My Lady moved to pastures new where she met with a new Kingdom NT. My Lady found she had made the right choice of ally. Together with her new friends she fought against the wicked Kingdom of Legacy, every knock she took from them she bounced back refusing to let them keep her down.