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Ms. Universe

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Universe).


Ms. Universe

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Kittie Arghhh).


Ms. Kittie Arghhh

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Kittie Croft) and was a member of Dynamite

one day arose from the sea,carrying tuna and absinthe.
The old ones could smell she was from the land farfaraway. (and maybe a lil of the tuna)She had carried the curse of shapeshifter since the birth in the Hi Jak, and she had trained with the warriors of the sun Tzu, but the greedy ad ims had destroyed her birth place to the unrecognizeble, there was nothing of value left to kill, and as she set foot on land, she could sense the precence of various creatures, magic and cities filled with fortunes. As she summonned her shadows, she began shifting her shape, crawling towards the city lights. Drawn towards the calling of long lost companions.

Finally at last she found them, in the battlefields thirsting for blood, as she joined them, she could smell the presence of traitors, but the long travel had blurried her sight. Fighting hounorably with her clan, the traitor finally showed his true face, hidden behind magic. But the enemy also recognized the betrayal and they joined forces, became friends and threw them selves in new wars... FOR HONOUR AND GLORY!!! Arrghhhhh :D

Lady Kittie Croft

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Kittie Sherezade) and was a member of Dynamite

The kittie woke up close to the mountains, in the world of Zetamania- She had another nightmare about the evil spirits killing her family. She sat up for a minute
whiping the tears of her cheek, combing her long black hair with her fingers, wondering if she would ever find the key to the secret inscriptions of her tattoes.

She trailed her fingers over the inscriptions of the snake tattoo running from the tip of her toes and up to her knee, when her shadows came gliding towards her in a rush throught the landscape Quickly her group gathered and started moving having heard of a strange desiese surrounding them.

As they prepared the war they could see the air filling up with a lair of bacterias unknown, and she and her clan gathered the equipment as fast as they could trying to make strong enough magic survivng till their elfs could catch up with them. The battle lasted for endless days and sleepless nights, and they were constantly forced to defend them selves, but in the heat of the battle she found clues that she saved to help her solve the mystery of her origin and freedom. They were constantly the victims of massacre and their warriors became less and less.

Pandoras Box, one day lost to the desiece, was to be centre of the last big battle. One night around the fireplace the clan decided to make a break through into the core of the desiece and the next day they gathered and succsessfully managed to pass two of their fiercest warriors through. They ran on a spree. Killing everything they could get their hands on.

The master elf of the clan was desperate and not willing to listen to any reasoning he casted the plague killing of the enemy but more their own clan, and with his leading role, the other elfs casted as well, Very soon they were left with only two elfs not tempted by the dark side. One of their dearset elfs had been lured to the dark side and he left sadenned about his actions and the loss he caused, yet noone wanted him to and his pride was intact. The clan waved him off, hoping one day he would return to them. By this time she had together with some of the clan members cleaned a core for them in talents.

The leaders decided to make a NAP and end the war, many of the clan members were disappinted, wantinting to fight till the bitter end. Leaving all their cities on Zetamania, they bowed to each other in hounor of a great fight and then the clan moved to Talents. Within a short time they had full control, and they had met up a few fearless warriors that truly hounored their clan with their fighting, Many great battles were fought. Entering Midgard for furhter battles they continued their thirst for blood and retrieving the secret keys to their origins, gathering new skills and harvesting more corpses in the glory of war to hounor their ancestors and their gods.

Kittie took a look around thinking about the bloodsheds she has been apart of this era as she continued to put her armour on. Suddenly she can hear the wartrumpets go off again in the distance, Running out the door, while throwing her helmet on, she looks for her pony.

Shangrilah waits for her, dancing around eagerly to carry her to battle, she hops onto his back and they set off to a new battle, FOR HOUNOR AND GLORYYY!!

Duchess Kittie Sherezade

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Kittieh Aargh) and was a member of Hot Inactive Veterans

Kittie screamed as she sat down and dragged her medicine kit out, patching up her her self for the n'th time. she let a small gasp out, as she rinsed the wounds she had gotten, and cursed inside her self.

The universe had no honour left, and no one wanted to talk of hounor either, like it was an illness, and OHH .. had not she her self failed miserably? Fighting all the good people, thinking they were evil, now again, fighting along the side of those who had been her fiercest enemies in the last battles. If it was not for the methods the enemies was using against them, she be sure she was hanging with the wrong crowd, but even if they kept battering them and taking their camps, they grew stronger and tighter everyday, picking up new fighting skills.

She healed her wounds with the herbs she gotten from the elfs in the clan, they held strong white magic. she had managed a new skill too, she trailed her fingers on her tattoos, grinning to her self with the small, but tasteful kills she had made earlier. And ohhh had they earned it.

They had declared on nearly everything that could move this time, to make sure they would keep the hounor and glory up, and that had pulled out every worm that could crawl,up against them, no matter that there was 100 other bigger than her clan after the fight, the knowledge of those people. They had to do it that way tho, or they would win and there be no secrets left to claim, the deaths would be so slaughetering that they could not be sure to retrive any of the keys they needed to end up with what they wanted in the end of the search.

she had been practicing her magic skills as well, her skills was improving everyday, she was getting better and getting stronger, but in the fights with the magicians, she fell short, and that pissed her off, seeing that they had nothing else to fight her with, she hated the shields they managed to put up and she spit and hissed thinking about it, and she knew she had to face her darker self soon.

She stood up and kicked a branch when she realized she couldnt see a thing ahead of her. She called out for the others, searching for a few minutes totally blind, letting her self fall back down, sitting on the ground, weighing her options.

Then she glanced at the tatto and realized it was illuminating slightly, and the light for a second, shot out, lighting up a path in the dark. She jumped on her feet and started walking, looking down to follow the not so visable path, feeling once again, that she had direction, up in the sky, she could suddenly see a light, a very very distant one, but she realized it was what she had been looking for.

She called out for her friends, while she was chanting low to her self in her head " for honour and glory!" She bit her lip and started running.

Duchess Kittieh Aargh

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Kittieh Croft) and was a member of Hot Inactive Veterans


Duchess Kittieh Croft

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Wadjet) and was a member of Forget Everything and Run

the kittieh staggered through the woods hallucinating about tuna, trying to reach them, ending up eating plants and dirt. In dispair she stood there watching the ghosts of the dead appear around her, she fell to her knees.

She had been found by her true love. Yet.... he had run away with the circus and left her alone in the zoo.
The force was strong in her, but she was only a little egg.

All these eras she had been following her quest, and now that she finally understood it. She had defended it, She had fought for it. She won, thus now she was too weak to do anything about it.

There was no longer bloodlust in her eyes, she was no longer driven by teh desire to kill the unworthy. She grabbed her wand and chanted slowly to her self. Her tattos lit up, and the magic started leaving her body.

She crawled up underneath, barely noticing the smell of the lavender growing around her. She thought about making sahelo with it in a split of a second, then the light surrounding her caught her attention instead.

"Odin" she whispered. Stretching her arm out touching the light. Then she mumbled softly and her wand disappeared in thin air.

She had hidden her trail, hoping her family never would find her trail, hiding it so her soul could be burried in peace, and not tempted to pick up the battle again.

She closed her eyes and smiled. Then she died

Duchess Wadjet

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Amon) and was a member of HISTORY MATTERS


Duchess Amon

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (One) and was a member of Forget Everything and Run


Duchess One

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Kiteh) and was a member of Forget Everything and Run


Duchess Kiteh

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Wizldizl) and was a member of Forget Everything and Run
