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Mr. Landry

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Landry Late Start) and was a member of Forsaken


Mr. Landry Late Start

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 0 heir(s) .

After starting late, I decided to seek refuge with The Following of Freeman. I have landed near my hated enemy Sesughter.

I have asked permission from my king to engage my enemy when I am no longer in protection and he has granted me this honor.

I have settled my armory and will be ready for a fierce battle.

There is an opening in my kingdom for a new Viceroy, I was thinking about applying for it.

My King has promoted me, This is a Glorious day indeed. As I prepare for battle I know what lies ahead is not an easy challenge.

After not being able to check on my lands or Kingdom for almost 2 months I have lost my promotion and an old Friend and Rival of mine Mr. Siberius Phenom has snatched it from my hands. I just hope he leads well and does not take off at the first sign of trouble.

I am attempting to establish my income, I plan on having the strongest mid-era army.

Within the past week I have settled four cities across our lands, With the development of these cities I shall regain my lost ground.

I am slowly gaining ground on everyone, Not as fast as I hoped though. It has been decided that I will become the kingdoms Illusionist and be casting magic most of the era.