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Mr. Sonsun Maxumillin

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Yurdruk Maxumillin).


Mr. Yurdruk Maxumillin

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Zelio).

Son of Maximullion,

I stand before the throne awaiting my passing of my lineage, for i am the son to the throne. For i am the air to a long await kingdom that is yet to form for heritage.

"My father was bestowed on to him the crown of the kingdom and had yet to capture the kingdom as it was a vast empty place to be."

I plan on becoming all that wasnt in my father, he lead many to their deaths and many to misfortune. But he did one thing that many will never be able to do, he gave hope and belif in his people that allowed them to fight to their deaths.

Yudruk Maxumillin Died and his Daughter took over.

Hepily Maxumillin