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Mr. Black Knight Templar

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Damned Black Knight Templar) and was a member of Leon Nemeios

Found in a dead Wardens notebook:

"A Black Knight arises from nowhere! WTF!

Run... Yes, run... We're not ready for this. He's coming!

No... The Black Knight killing everyone on his way, no one have even match against him! Wait, King's Elites are coming... Yes, yes... about timing.

Holy hell! He slaughtered them all!

I must... must send my notebook to the King somehow. Ohh no, the Black Knigh is coming for me! There's still time, i must write the last sentence...

My lord, if you get this Notebook, it means I'm dead and the Black Knight is coming for you... Whoever reading this. The Black Knight will come for you too. Brace yourself."

Mr. Damned Black Knight Templar

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Thranduil Sindarin Oropherion) and was a member of Leon Nemeios

Taken from a fallen Kingdom's library, written by the King Aloysius Bennett III himself:

"First we thought he was one man, the hell he can do! But we were terribly wrong. All my three cities is been lost, burned, men were slaughtered, women were taken, childrens were stolen, goods were looted... He left nothing behind.

All i have now is a castle. This is our last stand. Last news i heard is, the Black Knight leading an army whom never sleep, never lost, never fall, never stops... army of Damned Knights!

Don't know how much time i have, but this probably the last line i wrote. Farewell."

Mr. Thranduil Sindarin Oropherion

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Leon Nemeios

Rumor says that, after those disvastating Eras of Black Knights terror, a peculiar Elven King arises from nowhere!

A Report received from the Temple of The Seven Priest saying,

"We all heard from our Ancestors that the elves of Norse mythology have survived into folklore mainly as females, living in hills and mounds of stones. The Swedish älvor were stunningly beautiful girls who lived in the forest with an elven king. But we had never seen an Elf before.

Few days ago, we received a devastating latter from our messanger which says, "An Elderly tall Elven man is seen coming to our region whom described himself as an Elven King! At First everyone laughed at him, i mean, why'd anyone even believe such a thing? Elves are long dead many many ages ago... Even their cities are vanished from Existence.

But this happened yesterday my lord, i was passing through Ondorin forest, and i saw something. That peculiar Elven guy was killing an entire patrol of rebels with his somewhat peculiar thin sword. There were over 25 of 'em! My lord, he killed them all... He even killed the prisoners with them and took their women as his slave. With due respect, my lord, i think dark ages are coming for us... I think you should inform the Queen!"

If he is what he say he is, a devastating Elven King, then it is my futal duty to deilver this message to the Temple, the closest place from the Queen.

Seven preist of Temple, if you recieved my message, then do know this as well, the so called Elven King is coming. Who knows what he is, you must deliver this to the Queen!

Fear not, die well.
All hail to the Queen of Oroubor."