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Family History

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Ms. Elimine

Lived in Era 13 and got 1 heir(s) (Tiriamana).

Elimine grew up in a strongly traditional village with her parents and her older brother. Her father, the leader of their small community, was loud and violent often beating Elimine and her mother simply for being female. Her brother, Teristos, was to inherit everything, the wealth and power of the position, despite his recklessness and reluctance to take on the responsibility.

Elimine rebelled and left the village in her late twenties with a small following of those who were tired of her father and his tyranical ways, a few craftsmen, elders and those wishing to keep as a family all followed her. Hoping to settle somewhere and live more peacefully.

Though peace was wanted, Elimine still wanted to rule, she wanted power and wealth that would have been denied to her and will find a way to gain it. Though she has honour and respects those who respect her. Though will not be slighted by anyone daring to cross her.

Ms. Tiriamana

Lived in Era 13 and got 1 heir(s) (Vistarin).

With the memory of the brutal murder of her mother fixed firmly in her mind, Tiriamana was a depressed and nervous young leader. She was thrown into the position at the age of just seventeen. She spends her days looking fearfully out the windows of her fortified home and giving loose instrctions to her advisors and servants i nher form of leading the few survivors of the attack that slew her family. Waiting for the day when the enemies return to slay her as they did the previous leader.

Lady Vistarin

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Aramine) and was a member of Death or Glory

Vistarin had a very young and cowardly mother and grew up very quickly mentally. She vowed to avenge not only her mothers death but also that of her grandmother that first led the people of Wildre.

Lady Aramine

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Dosora) and was a member of Death or Glory

Aramine learnt the importance of defense and fortification from her mother who was a little more than paranoid. Growing up within the manned walls of the city of Woldrenar changed her into a woman focused on defending her people and her ancestry.

Lady Dosora

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Galia) and was a member of Death or Glory

Dosora was unconcerned with her people and indifferent about her past and future. She wished a peaceful life but was denied at every turn. She had two daughters, both concerned about her and their lands but still Dosora ignored her daughters advice and wishes to help.

Lady Galia

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Maralia) and was a member of Death or Glory

Without the formal knowledge of ruling or managing a town, Galia and her sister were thrown into mayhem. The people divided and the sisters parted ways. Though Gorana, the eldest, wished power and waged many battles against her younger sister in an attempt to steal power.

Lady Maralia

Lived in Era 14, got 1 heir(s) (Janet) and was a member of Death or Glory

Through many memorable events in her ancestors trails Maralia wished to keep the old traditions and values of her mothers and mothers before. Hoping to one day honour the woman who started a family of wanderers and hopefully enable an established and more peaceful era to reign over her people.