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Mr. Gorgon II

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Gorgon Iii) and was a member of Lords of Death


Mr. Gorgon Iii

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Gorgon IV).


Sir Gorgon IV

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Gorgon The Ugly) and was a member of Phi Empire

Learning some from the mistakes of my ancestors, I hooked up with a kingdom by the name of Slauterers, under the leadership of King Jeff. Although the spelling of the kingdom was abhorrent to me, I found that I prospered under the protection of this king. Keeping mostly to myself, and out of kingdom politics, my cities grew. I was fortunate to not have any enemies near my cities.

Suddenly, word emerged that my minor province was now one of the most prosperous in the land, and second only to my king within the kingdom, which had now grown to be vying for the most powerful in the land. I was greatly surprised, and realized that I must leave my sheltered province and do my duty for my kingdom.

I began to send strong armies into wars in far-away lands, especially responding to the pleas for assistance from a fellow kingdom member far to the south. I also responded to the call for forces to combat a rising threat to the east of my prosperous land, sending multiple armies, each one stronger than the one before, into the area of conflict, to serve my kingdom as I might.

The war was going well, though it was hard-fought and I suffered some terrible losses.

Then, pure tragedy struck:

Our king, the leader of our great kingdom, was revealed to be a pretender and a charlatan! His mighty contribution to the kingdom crumbled overnight, taking with it many lesser vassals. A huge vacuum, both of power and of fighting men, opened up. And of course, I became the most powerful member of the kingdom, at least to perception.

But I felt myself ill-prepared to lead, and my armies were far from home, and in some cases, in positions that could not be defended.

In the battles against the eastern foe, I had struck a friendship with Mr. Wolf -- a brave and honorable leader. In the power vacuum that resulted from the fall of our king, I placed my support behind Mr. Wolf as new leader for our kingdom, or at least as a military leader for this part of our kingdom--for our kingdom had become far-flung, and the collapse of our king left us with some isolated pockets of vassals faithful to the kingdom, if not to our once pretender-to-the-throne.

So, today I am working in close companionship with Mr. Wolf. Together, we are attempting to resist the enemy, while holding on to what we can of the vast Slauterer empire.

We are not without hope. But it will be a long and dangerous time for us, recovering from the disaster.

As for myself: while my homeland was still peaceful, I was able to reward some worthies among my people with new cities, filling in where our pretender king once reigned.

But the enemy from the east attacked my homeland in force, and obliterated one of my great cities, killing thousands of loyal subjects. Those criminals fell to the swords and arrows of my mighty armies!

But I hear rumors of a terrible evil that travels with the next wave from the eastern foe. Will by brave men, already battle-weary, be able to withstand this next onslaught? Will help arrive from within the kingdom, or from an ally? How many more of my proud cities will fall? Only time will tell.