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Family History

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Mr. Condinho

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Amunra) and was a member of Abydos


Mr. Amunra

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Notwhoyouthinkiam).

Finnaly feelling ready to destroy every oponnent in his path, Condinho feared that if he died in the final battles, before armaggedon destroys the world, his lineage should continue and thus Condinho had a son!
While growing, his offsping showed such potencial, that RA himself asked Condinho to give up his son so that he could become RA's messenger of death and feeled with hate towards his enemies he oblidged and Amun was train to be the Avatar of his master and lord, RA!
Amun followed his master wishes to the letter, not thinking of consequences and showing no mercy towards his enemies, trully his father's son!
Now, fully developed, Amun is know as one of the greatest warriors in the world and feared where ever he goes, soon, even without his awareness, Amun was starting to be callled AmunRA, so much was his might that only a GOD name could come close to his power!
With a new world ready to be conquered, AmunRa starts to gather armies, of dwarves, his favorite warriors, fearless even when facing the worst menace in the world, the Nazguls!

Soon the world wll be at his feet...

(...) to be continued(...)

PS: it's the first time i write a story for my character and possibly the last, this text will probably suffer some changings over the next days, also will continue with it of course, enjoying myself very much for now...