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Mr. Draconis

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Dracos) and was a member of Torment

I am Draconis,The last heir of my kind,a tribe of humans,i have come to this world to rebuild my empire and let my people rule once more in this era.I feld from my homeland because of orcs,my armies beaten and destroyed,the great city of my people razed,when i landed in nirvana i colinized a small area,and many followed.My retribution against my foes will be swift and just,hit and run attacks.My forces will continue to attack until thier last breath,for they serve the people,thier land,and thier leader.

Mr. Dracos

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Dakos) and was a member of Diadochi

I Came over the mountains with my Father,Over the Sea,and into the fires.He Established the first Colony of his tribe and led them to victory.Im Half-Elven,for my mother was an Elf.
I have inherited many things from Draconis,and the last 1000 survivors followed me to the new land.Together i shall restore my Fathers Glory to the Family. Vinth Thur Inthilin!!