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Mr. Spud

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Spud) and was a member of Freedom Fighters


As a young boy, Spud was pushed around day by day. He was a weak child and never seemed to win any fights. He never knew his father but was always reminded of his greatness through his mothers stories. Little did he know that his entire life was was about to change in a single night. That night he fell asleep faster than he had ever. In his dream, He was visited by a creature, no, not a creature, but a tall figure of a man. This figure had a godly light-blue aura around him, so bright that it made it hard for Spud to make the image out. In this dream tha man spoke out to Spud in an echoing voice that seemed to pound off the the spaceless walls of the dreamworld. He had told Spud the secret to use the ememies advantages against them and make them hi own advantages in the fight. The figure pulled two artifacts out from space and set them next to Spud. Suddenly Spud had realized who this figure was. As he cried out "FATHER!" his words were shattered along with his dream and Spud woke, jumping to his feet. He glanced around his hut and tripped over something in the dark, he picked up the object that he had tripped over and took it outside to use the moonlight to see. He gasped and stumbled a little backwards and his grip tightened. Spud clasp in his hane his father longbow and quiver of arrows. The longbow as strong as the horms of a great bull, the never expireing quiver of arrows equal in strength. Never to be parted from his fathers gifts he devoted his life to archery and became the sharpest eye of the Skoulbound Region. Spud was able to pin a gull to a tree it passed, then to split that arrow in half with another one in an instant from a great distance away.

And so, Spud would walk the earth seeking the story of his father that few have known, with only memeries of him in his bow, arrows, and the single dream. Sleeping every night with his precious posessions hopeing to see his father...sometime.

Mr. Spud

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Spud) and was a member of Freedom Fighters


Mr. Spud

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Spud) and was a member of Freedom Fighters


Mr. Spud

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Spud) and was a member of Freedom Fighters


Mr. Spud

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Spud) and was a member of Predators
