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Family History

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Mr. Steppenwolf

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Yewbow) and was a member of Ultimate Alliance

They Say he was born of a wolf, but Herr Steppenwolf was not known for a mean mentallity. He was definatly was a warmonger leading the armies of the ulltimate alliance kingdom to many victories after comanding officers had died in the feild. Eventually he became a vasel of King Jared the Second and was charged with protecting the kingdom.

Mr. Yewbow

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Wolfhound) and was a member of Royal Pirates

As his Father was KIlled he was forced to leave his city and to watch his land burn, but he swore to avenge his father. He traveled west and was forced to join another kingdom. Under their protection his army grew and so did his spirits. When he had the power to conqour his enimies he went and ground them to dust. Unfortunatly the era ended before his forces were Ready.