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Ms. Silvia Blackhart

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Selphine Blackhart).

Silvia Blackhart was at one time considered bad luck where she had come from. In her mind she wished that anyway. Silvia was a blonde, she hated being a blonde. Her people hated her for it, for they all had dark colored hair. Even her father looked down upon her. She dislikes being looked down upon, being stared at, insulted and down-right hated. She's usually bad behaved and not really nice unless you do her a favor, or make a good impression upon meeting her. She looks for a way to prove herself, perhaps this is her chance. She will try to become the best of the best, and doesn't mind stepping on other people along the way.

Lady Selphine Blackhart

Lived in Era 15, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Templar Elites

Selphine, sadly, carried her mother's traits. She, also, is a blonde. However, she is not as quick to anger as her mother was. She will help those in need, unless the cost will be great to her. She is very calm and easy to speak to, just don't insult her. Her goal is the same as her mother's, she wants to prove herself to her people. She hopes that in the future, her children will not have to deal with her genetic trait. Selphine's parents were killed in the past, by her cousin. She awaits her time to get him back for the horrid deed, she just
needs a good place to start.