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Mr. Knightmaramon Shadara

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Kiwi) and was a member of Noob Table

Knightmaramon Shadara, an Elvin Philosphia...who can't speel...spell...set out long ago on a journey...or was it a quest? I don't remember...perhaps i should probably write that i am an Absent Minded Professor from the Land of Cantespeel, who is 5'9" tall, saphire eyes, framed by dark lashes and brow, with a smile, that is shadowed by a crooked nose from many failed experiments. Hmmm...i'm rather well-built i guess from a Scholar. Maybe those days when i was training to be a Knight, before choosing to study Alchemy (potions, herb law, that sorta thing...all very wizzy bangy stuff...) and Healing. I think that is everything about me? Oh...i forgot my brown hair which is long and straight, tied back in a loose fasion over my tunic and cloak...there we are done.

Anyho, i decided one day to go on a Quest...yes, quest sounds more heroric...a Quest to form a great and wonderous Empire, that will span the length of the Western Lands to the far reaches of the Southern Lands, from whence i "whence" even a word?

Note to Self: Look up the word "Whence". W H E N C E. Whence.

I got tired of all the Scholars back home. Always talking about the X's and the Y's and this thing called Algeeybra. Not quite sure what it has to do with the Female Underwear, but it is a rather hot topic there at the moment. That is why i left. Hmmm...perhaps i should write this in third person?

Knightmaramon Shadara set off on the long journey with a hand full of hopefuls from his University in Cantespeel. They set off over the Mountains, across the Jade River that seperated North from South and into the unknown. Many people joined there journey North. Across the barren lands of the Orcs's and Goblins. Through the Marshes that became to be known as "The Great Stench" by the Poets who journey'd amongst the Adventurers. They passed many a Village and town, and were greeted by many who gave them food and clothing for the long march ahead. The Bards and Poets at these stops, entertained the masses, and were warmly taken in (mostly by Barmaids) who found them witty charm and enthusiasm a welcomed change from the village boys.

The Scholars too, found much to do, talking with the village elders about there history, sharing news of the Southern Lands from where they had come, engaging in conversation that could last for the many nights. Mages from the University, too, helped the Shamans...or petty wizards...and healer women in the villages in exchange for there kind services of providing food and shelter for all those in the travelling caravan of wagons and carts.

At these times, many people stayed in the Villages, settling down with people they had met. While others, younger men trying to prove themselves, promising there Families to return with great fortune, found themselves travelling North with the Cantespeel Caravan.

Knightmaramon would usually spend these times alone, either with ex-soldiers or some trusted Mages and Scholars who had come with him from the University, amongst them being one of his closest friends, Trisha Lockheart. Her red hair and green eyes, made her seem a pretty little lass who needed a strong lad to keep her company, but behind those eyes twinkled a cunning and spirited young woman, who was very headstrong and could give as good as she got in any situation, if not better. Her seemingly womanly figure, flawlessly diguises her sturdy body and muscles not normally found on women. Her right arm is the living extension of her sword, and she can best many who travel along this road with us. Being of Barbarian blood, she has longed for the open road ever since we met. When she heard i was leaving, she jumped to the chance. I can't help but wonder what she would be like if she were born a Noblewoman? Probably would be a waste, considering her talents with a sword.

It seems i went out of 3rd person and back into 1st. Oh well. If anyone is reading this, it is because i am writing this as i drink Rum from our last stop down the road. I'm surrounded by people asking me questions and talking to me. It is hard to concentrate. Yes, you'd think i should've got used to it being a Scholar, but i ain't *that* kinda scholar...i think my Tutor once described me as "Unique Talent, lost by endless wondering". I think it means i am easily distracted. Yet, that "Unique Talent" he spoke of, is a product of me being easily distracted. It is complicated. Maybe i should write it out in another book?

Note to Self: Write a book on my years in the University.
(My "Unique Talent")

Since i have lost track of what i was writing, i'm going to make the next part brief.

My other close friends on this journey are, my best friend and personal bodyguard, Gary of Astrania. A fine swordsman and honourable fellow. Gary will readily admit he can be beaten by Trisha in close combat, although he is the better Archer it must be said. Not that Trisha will see it that way...i remember the contest they had outside a Tavern before we left. She lost, and either through the spirits of alcohol or maybe her temper...or perhaps both...she decided to break Gary's Bow, then proceed to point out that the contest was flawed and they better say she won, otherwise the next thing she broke would not be quickly mended. I sometimes wonder what she mean't by that. Hmmm...maybe i'll ask her about it sometime.

Then there is Shadowind, my Mare. She is black and fast like shadows in the evening. She and I have been through a lot together, combat and otherwise. I wouldn't trade an entire herd of Madaras Unicorns in exchange for her. She is a close friend of mine and we will see our lives together until the end.

And that is about it really. The rest i don't really know. They just tag along, talking about the adventure and the Fortune. I just want to get away, and start fresh. Never really thought it would turn out like this.


Many Months of Travelling, finally came to an end, when Knightmaramon, leader of the Expedition, came to an open stretch of Farm Land, with Mountains to and Trees, Lakes and Rivers, everything a new settlement needs. I stand now on the top of the Mountains looking around. I see many settlements here. I wonder if we will be welcome or if we will have trouble with our neighbours. Maybe i worry too much, but with Trisha, Gary and Shadow with me, i'm sure we will get through anything this new world will offer us.

This will be my last entry for this chapter. I look forward to writing more. Hopefully my next chapter will be a one full of hope and joy, but only time will tell. For now, we must set up camp and send people out to our neighbours.

This maybe the Beginning of the end for our Trip, but our journey into this land, has only just begun...

Lady Kiwi

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Kiwi II).

Being the only surviving Daughter of the Great Knightmaramon, Lady Kiwi was as head strong and her Father. Having started life in NT, she quickly discovered many flaws in the Kingdom and left under mysterious circumstances. This led her into the Arms of PKS. Following a couple of her closest friends, who had left NT months previously, she left the Borders of NT, and moved into the welcoming arms of PKS, former War-time Enemies of NT.

Within this New Home, Kiwi quickly established herself as a Knight, alongside her best friend, Sir Donut, who got made Viceroy after the recapture of an important stronghold in NT held territories.

Kiwi quickly participated in many borderland skirmishes and infiltration missions into NT as she knew her homeland well. Aiding the PKS spies and infiltrators, she quickly acquired many allies and friends diplomatically within the ranks of PKS. She also made many ties with former NT people and former NT Allies. Her ties to the Criminal Underworld, of where she found most of her information led to a complex network of spies and informants within the heart of many Major Kingdoms. Armed with this knowledge, Kiwi has begun preparing for great battles that will unfold as time goes on, as a growing force and menace invades from the East, destroying all it sees, unrelentless in it's goals, and apparantly, uncaring. The Legacy of this new foe, will soon be known throughout the land. And Kiwi, will be there to face it end on, if the need were to a rise.

Lady Kiwi II

Lived in Era 15, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Not much to say really. I was born, and then i pretty much died in my first fight. Now i am dead, writing this from beyond the grave...a short life really. Bit boring. Want a worm?

Extracts from the Ghost of Kiwi the 2nd