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Mr. Mensies

Lived in Era 13 and got 1 heir(s) (Mensies).

We always live in peace, but we if we are uner attack, we will fight back like a lion. I hope this will be a warning!!!!!!!

We fight together and we belong together.

Greetzzz Mr. Mensies

Sir Mensies

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Mensies) and was a member of The Excalibur Dragons

I like war. I've a bether army now then before. We will fight till we are dead

I'm not such as my father that coward

Greetzzz Son of Mensies

Mr. Mensies

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Mensies).

As a United Army we will stand together if we must fight. My dad is dead, but i will take revenge and will be the biggest ruler in the world.

Greetzzzzzzzz Mensies

Sir Mensies

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Mensies) and was a member of Mirror

I will take revenge for my place in Era of Aldebert. The begin of the Era of Leo for me was bad. I lost different cities. Now I have all my lost cities back. I have taked in the begin some guys of narrse out. in February i've taked some guys out with big cities. My upkeep is rising, and i'm training many troops. We are still fighting against Legacy. Now I'm trying to liberate some cities of friends and WAR members.

After many victories is my army "United Defenders" taking the south, my army taked and burned a few cities of EFK and Dog.

I'm trying to liberate Varna Iii, Venomz helped me with the spell:Dispel Magic
I and the Griever have liberated Varna Iii, we lost a few hobs but that doesn't matter. Venomz and I have taked Theofirstunlimm.

I'm now training some troops to take some Narrse guy out in the south. I don't know if they have many troops, i think so because there is one big unlimmited city.IOn my way to narrse 've spotted a few dog cities, i've taked them. I've taked 1 citie of the narrse guy. I only must capture a unlimmi. it's defended with 160k men.
I've caputured it after a long time full with attacks on the city.

I'm currently trying to liberate Devils Unlimmi. Many Serenity members has helped to liberate devils unlimmi and finally we liberate it.

Now i'm razing some colonies of KOH and PKS, it's going great. Now i'm moving my army close to many enemy cities. Many Serenity members are going to take KOH cities in.

Currently i'm still traveling to other enemy cities, it won't take long and the era is over. In the last days i'm taking out some DP guys near my city "Wannabegood" in the east of the map, jeroen is sending some Nazguls I'm searching for a good kingdom because Serenity stops. Many guys will quit or are going to other kingdoms. I hope i will find a good kingdom next era and many friends

