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Mr. Trollum

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Trollum).

Era 10:
In Era 10 King Trollum was the first king to leave the dense forest and start to settle outside in the plains, mountains and hills. They met lots of other tribes there. Some were friendly, like Viceroy Legs of AoC and they became good friends.
Some raged war and wanted to conquer the newly founded settlements.
But Trollum became help from Legs and Aoc and thankfully joined The Agents of Chaos thereafter.
Together they fought off the evil world conquerers a long time. But in the end they had to give up .... the enemy was too strong. They swore revenge in the next age.

Era 11:
Powered with new strength and courage Trollum and Aoc tried to conquer the world again and free it of all evil. But soon Corruption was spreading throughout AoC. Naps were broken, people werent upfront and after half of the Age AoC was crumbling, disbanding. Trollum seeks his future elsewhere after the downfall of AoC.

Sir Trollum

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Trollinger).

Day 1
Yes, here we go again and im alone again... Im not sure what this age will bring and im not sure where exactly i am. But im sure this time, i will bring my full weight into the bowl of judgement that is carried by the gods weighing good and evil.

King of Trolls

Day 2
Sir Draiken from OWN is sieging my city and army after army is coming out of his capital. Yet i manage to kill all of them but for how long ?

Day 3
There is a new power rising. The Republic is going to be formed soon. And i will be part of it.
In a strike of power i managed to kill off all of Draikens armies and marched towards his 2 cities. They both fell. Draiken will no longer bother anyone. Long live Trollum

Day 4
I killed many Armies of Zombies (Inactives!) while exploring the lands. Ive conquered cities. Now Hardbread from M is attacking me. in one strike i already killed 2 armies of him. Now im going for his cities. May the Trollgod be with us!

Day 5
Hardbreads cities lie smoking in ruins. He asked for mercy so i spared one town of him behind the southern mountains. I will continue to clean the territory south of the canyon mountains. It is almost done. Soon we can build up big walls to protect us from enemies. I spared one town called universland, the owner, Mr Haftrin seems just to be a peaceful miner who doesnt pose a threat to our empire. Well see.

Day 6
The Valley of Trolls is completely conquered. Hail Trollum!

Viceroy Trollinger

Lived in Era 14, got 1 heir(s) (Trollinger) and was a member of Arrseonia

Era 13:

Era 14:
I joined NARRSE, a kingdom full of competent nice players. Im very happy to be here.

Mr. Trollinger

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Trollinger) and was a member of Legacy

Era 15:
Here we go again in NARRSE. I was no. 11 last round, lets see what i can do this time.