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Family History

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Mr. Resistence

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical


Mr. Resistance

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical


Mr. Resistance

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical


Mr. Resistance

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical


Mr. Resistance

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical


Mr. Resistance

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical

Sir Resistance

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Thray The Resistant) and was a member of Mystical


Sir Thray The Resistant

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical


Sir Resistance

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical


Sir Resistance

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Mystical

Era 34- First Era in Kingdom Mystical. Was a viceroy, along with Mr. Mystery as leader. Kingdom Mystical reached to as many as 40 members. Reached much success, defeating Soul Society but, fell to Kingdom Fuzzy Little Man Peach in the end.

Era 35-King of Mystical, Mr. Mystery decided to leave Mystical and pursue another route, and I have taken charge. Along with 4 members I helped Mystical finish as one of the top kingdoms in Zeta. In the beginning, we lost a war against Gruumsh, but in the end we planned a NAP out. Defeated Kingdom Temple Knights. They surrendered and merged into our kingdom. We got even more powerful and canceled our NAP with Death to ally GOTF against Death. In the end Death disbanded. At that time, we were about the 4th best kingdom in Zeta. Due, to our sudden rise in the rankings, people started taking notice of us, and decided to have good relations with us. Military lost a war and they merged into our kingdom. That is when Mystical made a huge change into a kingdom with great potential to a strong Kingdom. Several members made Mystical into a contender to win the era, for example, Holly, Grayfish, Heiro, Magic, Lord V. We finished 4th in the Era and placed our mark in history.

Era 36- The next following era, The whole crew decided to come back to give it one more shot and make a great run. That was exactly what we did from the start. Immediately we NAP'd a great Kingdom Dark, which helped me enormously as a player. Our first War was right OOP. We began fighting with Predators until we, succeeded to make a huge push and throw them out of our core, and win the war. During this, our relation with Dark continued to grow into something great. We played so well together as if we were one single kingdom. After our war with Predators, we caught our self near Burnt core. I was hearing rumors that Burnt had plans in warring us before the era had even started. So we immediately knew war was coming. We got our troops ready, and began a long and hard fought war. In the end, we succeeded to invade BTs core, and take over all there cities. While this happened, relations with Vengeance didn't go so well. This ended up in Mystical declaring war upon Vengeance. This was another war won for us. We were on a great role, being one of the toughest or the toughest kingdom in zeta. Our following war, I believe was the hardest. We faced an uphill battle facing the #1 or #2 kingdom ODC. With Dark by our side, we were able to have success and defeat them. Mystical has defeated all kingdoms that it has been faced up against and has not fallen once. Right then, I truly believed that this kingdom could make a run to once become a great kingdom in Fantasia.

Era 37- In Era 37, Mystical spawned in Mantrax. Due, to the separation of Dark and Mystical (Dark landing in Fantasia) many of our strongest members left to Dark. To be honest, I lost hope. From that point, Everything went downhill on me. At the beginning, I had plans to war CE. Though, during long discussions with my vices, we decided that it would be a good idea to keep peace with a kingdom such as theirs and war our neighboring kingdom GOTF. During our war, in which I believe we were winning, CE attacked us from behind. They were arguments saying that one of my players attacked first, but my anger got the best of me and I declared war upon CE. CE had the advantage due to the fact, that they had armies in our core already. They took all of our mines, and we had no time to recover. While, I alone was trying to hold GOTF from sweeping up the rest of us. Right then, I knew it was all over. After several days of thinking this over, I decided to disband the kingdom, that made me into the player that I am today. I decided to join my friends, GOTF and help them fight CE. They killed me, and I also felt that I had nothing to give to GOTF in terms of helping them. So, I left to choose another path. In Nirvana, I decided to make a kingdom. I had no plans to make it a long-term kingdom. I just decided to make it for fun. Since the beginning, I was surrounded by Kingdom Freedom Fighters. A kingdom that over powered me by a bunch. I decided to join my rl friends kingdom Bringers of Death. From there, an invasion of PKS began and made a huge push to take over Nirvana. Both FF and PKS were allied and took all of us over. Now, I have landed in the world of Armageddon. Planning to go solo for a while and learn new tricks with new races and such.

Sir Resistance

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Project Mayhem

Era 37 cont.
Joined Velocity for a while but, didn't last long there. Decided to leave because, I did not like how the kingdom was run. Decided to join Vengeance for the remainder of the era. Decided to war Velocity but, was to much for me and a couple of members there to handle.


*plan to come back in Era 38 stronger than ever ! :D*

Sir Resistance

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Lasagna) and was a member of Project Mayhems Revenge

Watch Out ;)


Freedom Fighters-Won
IPF-Cease Fire

Lord Lasagna

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Project Mayhems Revenge

i r in Spaghetti!


Spaghetti died =( give credit to Fate, Veggie, and Abydos! :D

Lord Resistance

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Project Mayhem

I got pwned by Bob the Builder Smurf A.K.A (Ben)

I am officially Ben's biotch next era...-_-

*I didn't want to write this*

Lord Resistance

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Sausage Mcmuffin) and was a member of Foundation

RIP 2pac

"It's not like I idolize this one guy Machiavelli. I idolize that type of thinking where you do whatever's gonna make you achieve your goal."


"Music has been my outlet, my gift to all of the lovers in this world. Through it — my music, I know I will live forever. "

Wars: Rebirth

Fate wins the era .

Finished 25th in VU =)

Lord Sausage Mcmuffin

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Resistance) and was a member of Foundation

McDonalds theme ^_^

"If it's flipping hamburgers at McDonald's, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft."
-Snoop Dogg

"It's so easy for a kid to join a gang, to do drugs... we should make it that easy to be involved in football and academics."
-Snoop Dogg

Elf 36.Lord Sausage Mcmuffin of Foundation
Total land: 244521 Battles won: 35 Cities captured: 29
Total killed: 628480 Science lvls: 27 Total troops: 528387

Lord Resistance

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Hannah Montana) and was a member of Google

~My tenth era playing~

"Birthdays was the worst days; now we sip champagne when we thirsty."


"More money more problems"


"Never Get High on your own Supply"


"Because the streets is a short stop, either you slinging crack rock or you got a whicked jump shot"

~The Notorious B.I.G.~

Lady Hannah Montana

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Hannah Montana) and was a member of Google


Lady Hannah Montana

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Michelle Obama) and was a member of Google


Lady Michelle Obama

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Tom Cruise) and was a member of Kingdom Berserk

I'm the brains of Barack.

Lord Tom Cruise

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Resistance).

Katie Holmes has been a fucking whore. I'm single now
Lord Resistance
Lived in age 9 of Fantasia

No known history.