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Mr. Faelhon

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Faelhon).


Mr. Faelhon

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Faelhon) and was a member of Kingdom of Marior


Mr. Faelhon

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Maelhon) and was a member of Kingdom of Marior

Clutching my staff, I see my nemesis - the one whom I have been hunting all my life. The smoke begins to clear, its pungent odor reminding me of the night of my family's masacare. Impulsively, I raise my staff and intone the abjurative of might and sanctuary when I realize I am not alone - figures move swiftly in the haze and shadows. Then I know; my nemesis is aware of my presence, and though fear creeps up within me, I will honor my family this day!

Mr. Maelhon

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Faelhon) and was a member of Vanguard

I send a pestilence and plague
Into your house, into your bed
Into your streams, into your streets
Into your drink, into your bread
Upon your cattle, on your sheep
Upon your oxen in your field
Into your dreams, into your sleep
Until you break, until you yield

I send the swarm, I send the horde
Thus saith the Lord!

I send the thunder from the sky
I send the fire raining down
I send a hail of burning ice
On ev'ry field, on ev'ry town

All the innocent who suffer
From your stubbornness and pride...

I send the locusts on a wind
Such as the world has never seen
On ev'ry leaf, on ev'ry stalk
Until there's nothing left of green

I send my scourge, I send my sword..

Thus saith the Lord!

I send the swarm, I send the horde...

Thus saith the Lord!

Then let my heart be hardened,
And never mind how high the cost may grow!

Thus saith the Lord!
Lord Faelhon
Lived in age 33 of Fantasia

No known history.