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Family History

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Mr. Sauna

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Mango Chutney) and was a member of Beothuk

Born in the misty forests of Finland Mr. Sauna sought a military career. Being somewhat of a halfwit he however managed to trip over his own sword in his first battle and was trampled to death by his own comrades.

Luckily he had sired a bastard with one of the camp followers, a bastard that would rise to new hights of stupidity...

Mr. Mango Chutney

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Muhammed).

Growing up not knowing his father Mango faced a grim world. His mother tried her best to provide for him but since her current employment as a army whore gave less and less dividend she was often lacking. Her pregnancy completely stopped her income for months and age made her product less valuable - so she had to cut her fee.

Thus when Mango was 12 years old he enlisted. Since he didn't have a last name his sergeant(who was fond of Asian cousine) gave him the name Chutney which he from then on was called.

In the 18th age possibilities where open for anyone with a dream and a strong will. Mango had neither, nor did he have much intelligence. But one spring morning he was in luck: While looting the corpses after a particularly grim battle he found a purse full of gold on the corps of a officer. The next day he bought himself the rank of general and gained command of his own branch of the Beothuk army.

Sir Muhammed

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Poopoo) and was a member of Only You

Sir Poopoo
Lived in age 68 of Fantasia Member of Elements

No known history.