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Mr. Old Griffle Troll

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Second Griffle Troll) and was a member of Endless Shenanigans


Mr. Second Griffle Troll

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Third Griffle Troll) and was a member of Endless Shenanigans


Mr. Third Griffle Troll

Lived in age 18 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Old Dwarf Miser) and was a member of Endless Shenanigans

When will Fred the Terrorist's Era end?
Mr. Old Dwarf Miser
Lived in age 15 of Valhalla

One day,a poor peasant named Dwarf M. walked home as the thunder clashed in the Heavenly Skies.He was sad because the lords of the underworld led by their king Mr. Third Griffle Troll destroyed the kingdom of Dwarfs.Just then he noticed an old rundown library.He knew that the library was legendary and that the 79 princess of the Halfing kingdom Princess Enchanta was trapped in a secret book.He walked in picked up a book on the history of Dwarf kings and began to read.On page number 4579 was a old piece of torn paper stuck which read:
"Thou the 99th ruler of the dwarfs be born in a hut,Located 12km away from the city with the Dancing Lady."Dwarf M. thought for a while.He remembered he was born in a hut.But where?Only fate knew.He came out walked a few miles when suddenly the troll soldiers surrounded him!He was killed soon.The trolls drank his blood in leaf cups and ran away.A poor lady soon came and said."Ah!My son, if only I could tell you that.....".She couldn't say the sentence and died.Mother and son were buried together at a small cave.It was true,the book forecasted that when the thunder clashes in the Heavenly Abode a poor peasant would alongside his mother die.The mother the queen and the son the 100th king of the dwarfs:Lord Old Dwarf Miser.