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Family History

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Mr. Fordius

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Fordius) and was a member of Legacy


Mr. Fordius

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Fordius) and was a member of Legacy

The Second Era

Beta 4

20 Sir William

Ghosts: 4
Archers: 0
Riders: 0
Total colonies: 1
Total armies: 1

Beta 5

29 Lord Vegeta

Swordsmen: 1413
Archers: 0
Knights: 0
Total colonies: 1
Total armies: 2
Member of the Saiyan Empire kingdom.

Beta 6

57 Fordius

Swordsmen: 4500
Archers: 0
Knights: 0
Total colonies: 21
Total armies: 1
Member of the Utopia Temple Revived kingdom.

Beta 7


Swordsmen: 43552
Archers: 0
Knights: 13280
Total colonies: 3
Total armies: 6
Member of the Nederland kingdom.

Beta 8

32 Mr. Fordius

Swordsmen: 81
Archers: 0
Knights: 7593
Total colonies: 4
Total armies: 6
Member of the Honor and Power kingdom.

Beta 9

29 King Fordius

Swordsmen: 196357
Archers: 0
Knights: 10297
Science effect: 192
Total colonies: 10
Total armies: 12
Member of the Power and Power kingdom.

The Third Era

Beta 1

19 King Fordius

Swordsmen: 31881
Archers: 0
Knights: 0
Science effect: 157
Total colonies: 11
Total armies: 5
Member of the GET OWNED kingdom.

Beta 2

91 Mr. Vegeta

Swordsmen: 145
Archers: 0
Knights: 999
Science effect: 34
Total colonies: 3
Total armies: 3
Member of the Return of The Elite Legendary Warriors kingdom.

Beta 3

106 Mr. Eminem

Gaia: 2619
Hammerthrowers: 80
Ogres: 0
Science effect: 9
Total colonies: 4
Total armies: 3

Beta 4


The Fourth Era

The Beginning


Era of Raistlin


Era of Sezymon

144. Sir William Wallace 58

Era of Roxbury

37. Viceroy Fordius 231426

Era of valium

104. Mr. Fordius 10786

Era of Jeroen

5. Viceroy Lifetec 3108348

Era of Drunk

29. Mr. Ates 578336

Era of Rambo

11. King Mirage 1298636

Second Era of Rambo

2. Mr. Nimitz 4618540

Third era of Rambo

30. Sir Annatar Orc 657250

Fourth era of Rambo

19. King Fordius Vigilante Orc 3146236

Second era of Sezymon

2. Viceroy Nimitz Mirror Dwarf 5767904
( prolly still the record income of 70 mil per tick love the unlimited town days )

Era of Jeker

104. Mr. Casablanca Serenity Elf 34918

Era of Adelbert

177. King Fordius Serenity Dwarf 365

Era of Leo

23. King Fordius Serenity Troll 5507823

Era of Draiken


Era of Saint Paul

3. King Fordius Heaven Troll 2480312

Era of Sparker

100. King Nimitz Heaven Dwarf 236205

Second era of Sparker

25. Mr. Fordius Dwarf 292

Era of Hansel

13. Mr. Fordius THE GOOD SIDE Dwarf 395019
( At that time the GOOD vs the EVIL side was introduced was bit of fun )

Era of Juchi


Era of Isabel

30. Mr. Fordius Kingdom Hearts Dwarf 1488680

Second era of Draiken

75. Mr. Fordius Kingdom Hearts Orc 715946

Era of Ezatious

9. Lady Sporty Spice GIRL POWER Dwarf 515414

Era of Virgin


Era of Crissxcross

2. Ms. Butterfly Dark Blood Troll 9440166

Era of Amon Hen

1. Mr. Ford Dwarf 369
( Inactive )

Era of Dark Orion

1. Mr. Fordius Legacy Orc 59
( Inactive )

Era of Asystole

1. Mr. Fordius Legacy Orc 25
( Inactive )

Era of Lenard

148. Mr. Fordius Dark Blood Orc 608632

Era of Grumpy old bastard

1. Mr. Fordius Dark Blood Dwarf 9685
( Inactive )

Era of White Widow

16. Mr. Fordius Dark Blood Dwarf 2890492

Era of Dark Blood

46. Mr. Fordius Solo Guys Orc 1410457

Era of Bill Thomas Killman

6. Mr. Fordius The Twilight Orc 3195897

Era of Grumpy old Star

49. Sir Epyon Legacy Elf 863311

Era of Elsin


Era of Kobuskan

452. Mr. Fordius Legacy Orc 9488
( Inactive )

Era of Messiah


Era of Dvsmasta

14.Mr. Fordius of Revelation
Total land: 2 Million Battles won: 220 Cities captured: 122
Total killed: 2.7 Million Science lvls: 24 Total troops: 4.3 Million
F: 9% M: 4% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 14% V: 0% A: 73% T: 0% M: 0%

Era of Magneto

345.Mr. Fordius of Revelation
Total land: 6400 Battles won: 0 Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 1373 Science lvls: 8 Total troops: 5
F: 0% M: 99% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
( Inactive )

Era of Chipotle "Wolf" Snack Wrap


Era of Chavez

185.Sir Serene of Revelation
Total land: 278745 Battles won: 4 Cities captured: 4
Total killed: 24754 Science lvls: 21 Total troops: 408569
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 90% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

Era of Mzzery

118.Mr. Cashflow of The Casino
Total land: 623113 Battles won: 89 Cities captured: 42
Total killed: 560879 Science lvls: 31 Total troops: 1.3 Million
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 1% M: 98%

Era of Bluelight

Mr. Zeus of Olympian Dieties
Total land: 1.1 Million Battles won: 87 Cities captured: 84
Total killed: 1.7 Million Science lvls: 25 Total troops: 2.8 Million
F: 90% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 10% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

Era of Bogdan

( can't remember )

Era of Nova

( can't remember )

* have played in other kd's like Mirror, Music, Fate and stuff aswell and also did a Solo with Binh but can't remember what era's those were and can't bother to search * Been gone for 3 years and recently rejoined the game but doubt it will least for long.

Mr. Fordius

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Fordius) and was a member of Legacy

Era of Mr. Danny Boy The Totally Naked of Beothuk Evil Ops

34. Mr. Fordius of Legacy (Human)
Had 120,044 land, 412,508 troops and 16 science points. Killed 114,341 soldiers, won 5 of 15 battles and captured 3 cities.

Era of Desi

1. Mr. Koolzuurvrij of The Imps of Lannister (Orc)
Had 612,663 land, 762,175 troops and 16 science points. Killed 156,397 soldiers, won 36 of 46 battles and captured 53 cities.

Era of Ms. Jennaside of Beothuk Evil Ops

11. Mr. Fordius of Legacy (Orc)
Had 198,318 land, 1,070,605 troops and 22 science points. Killed 1,638,364 soldiers, won 110 of 177 battles and captured 76 cities.

Mr. Fordius

Lived in age 17 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Fordius) and was a member of Misfits


Mr. Fordius

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Quasimodo Fordius) and was a member of Misfits


Mr. Quasimodo Fordius

Lived in age 18 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Quasimodo Fordius) and was a member of Misfits


Mr. Quasimodo Fordius

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Quasimodo Fordius) and was a member of Misfits


Mr. Quasimodo Fordius

Lived in age 19 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Quasimodo Fordius) and was a member of Misfits


Mr. Quasimodo Fordius

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Death Fordius) and was a member of Misfits


Mr. Death Fordius

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Khorne The Blood God Fordius) and was a member of Spandex Inquisition

Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius
Lived in age 45 of Fantasia Member of Cajaerthyr

No known history.