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Mr. Triger

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Triplex X).

Mr. Triplex X
Lived in age 31 of Valhalla Member of Knights Of The Round Table

As the son of Triger I wanted to conquer all but i realized that i as not a strong enough heir to the throne. I did now knew that their was not enough courage in my men as i expected, they gave up multiple times.

"I sat in the castle alone as my men left me and gave up on their own journey as i ran out of money and wise words to tell them what to believe as our lands were ravaged and their wives began being raped by the local amry that rained over us!!!!!!!"

So as my men became frustraded by my rule, i went on missions my self killing any opposing clan and members.

I became injurged after being stabbed in the leg and prepared my rapping my leg until i noticed a spy on my tail. I ran as far as i could until i was speared in the back of my leg enabling me to continue.

As i reached the other village that was in my possion under my rule i noticed that i did not have the right tools or equipment to start my counter offer to those who needed my assistance. After the tools were made for me i then realizee that their had been a mutany amongst those who lived their.

In the night i was attacked ......... as i lay in my bed with a sord in my stomach i realized why i ran. I ran because that same ninja spy that attacked me was born in this castle. HE wanted revenge for my troops killing his family who were in this army. ....
MY days asreregaeg arerr numberred.

......Triple X deceased