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Mr. Eros The Elf

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Eros Dragon Caster).


Mr. Eros Dragon Caster

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Eros Air Guitar) and was a member of Kingdom of Heaven

played mage this era... good era

Military Science
Level 16
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +160% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 36,508,415,087,593,000,000,000 gold, 3,650,841,508,759,300,000,000 stone and 3,650,841,508,759,300,000,000 tree.

Level 21
Upgrading will cost 128,955,435,253,478,000,000,000 gold and 12,895,543,525,347,800,000,000 food.

Level 21
Upgrading will cost 967,165,764,401,082,000,000,000 gold and 96,716,576,440,108,200,000,000 stone.

Level 15
Upgrading will cost 5,500,657,698,451,680,000,000 gold and 550,065,769,845,168,000,000 tree.

Level 4
Upgrading will cost 884,846,932,505,634,000 gold.

Magic Level
Level 19
Upgrading will cost 1,482,200,672,600,610,000,000,000 gold, 131,751,170,897,832,000,000,000 stone, 131,751,170,897,832,000,000,000 tree and 131,751,170,897,832,000,000,000 food.

Your character Mr. Eros Dragon Caster has won 8 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 1967876 men and women

Mr. Eros Air Guitar

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Nayoke Longbeard) and was a member of Kingdom of Heaven

Human. We had people fighting oop, I didn't though. Dropped the 200k mine then went for it. Second place, Valhalla Era 49

Military Science
Level 6
We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +60% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 725,349,000 gold, 72,534,900 stone and 72,534,900 tree.

Level 6
Upgrading will cost 121,639,500 gold and 12,163,950 food.

Level 7
Upgrading will cost 1,151,227,500 gold and 115,122,750 stone.

Level 4
Upgrading will cost 24,311,000 gold and 2,431,100 tree.

Level 6
Upgrading will cost 243,400,000 gold.

Magic Level
Level 6
Upgrading will cost 2,727,922,500 gold, 242,482,000 stone, 242,482,000 tree and 242,482,000 food.


Land Total: 1,777,716

Your character Mr. Eros Air Guitar has won 100 battles, captured 95 cities and killed a total of 2,921,203 men and women


Total: +6,167,635 -766,469 +2,581,770 +472,366
Army Upkeep: -3,072,017
Building Upkeep: -1,460,407
Total Income: +1,635,211

Mr. Nayoke Longbeard

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Nayoke Longbeard) and was a member of Whisper

val era 86. dwarfed it up. no cavers. mid era hammer spam. yadda yadda....

1. Mr. Nayoke Longbeard of Whisper (Dwarf)
Had 1,120,760 land, 1,859,351 troops and 27 science points. Killed 996,476 soldiers, won 56 of 68 battles and captured 35 cities.
Mr. Nayoke Longbeard
Lived in age 89 of Valhalla

No known history.