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Family History

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Ms. Geneva of Chains

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Kamunagi of Chains) and was a member of Evil


Lady Kamunagi of Chains

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Loanshark) and was a member of Hammer and Shield

Head Priestess to the Order of Chain, she have long since cast off her identity. Dedicating her life as the keeper of the Angainor; the unbreakable chains of the dwarve's creator. So strong are these chains that it can even bind a God.

Her quest is that of a prophecy...

That at the pinnacle of glory and unification of middle earth, a divinity shall challenge it's greatness.

And lest this divinity be bound by the chains and sealed away, all else will fall...

Lady Loanshark
Lived in age 41 of Valhalla

No known history.