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Forums / In game politics / World Wars Era 42

World Wars Era 42
06:29:22 Sep 21st 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

Rev? omfg you swiffers suckzy

20:50:46 Sep 24th 09 - Duchess Medusa:

For a friend:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Rebirth26Sir Overcome100
Hamish5Mr. Hamish22
Seasons5Mr. Elit14
Royal order of Claidmore10Duke Kevdwayne7
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation32Sir Feanor131
The Guild of the Fallen11Junior Guildmaster Dragon46
Sol Invictus15Lord Polydeuces40
Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse30Mr. Hanky Panky142
Mad Against Drugs34Mr. Aloysius28
BBMMFB6Sir Penguinus Prime14
Republic of Gonadia1Sir Gonads The Raging2
Shadows9Lady Astoria0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans23Sir Binh The Conqueror82
Dynamite24Duke Nukem71
Dendarii Mercenary Corps20Sir Jondrus Blackfist62
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation29Mr. Roxbury128
Phi Factor19Mr. Mavich63
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Nebulous Elysium Guards26Mr. Pointbreak65
Demons of Razgriz7Mr. Justin30
Lightning Dust7Mr. Theophilus XII27
Kingdom of Hearts5Mr. Edd25
Black Dragon Empire7Mr. Dragon Knight12
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Insane Asylum33Dr. Raving Lunatic115
Bane9Mr. Gibson38
Domination9Mr. Suqah23
Kingdom of Heaven7Mr. Farmer3
Destiny5Mr. Kupo1
Order of Braimul1Mr. Drava0
JUICY5Commander Aligreat0
The ROC Elders7Mr. Ghengis Khan0
Kingdoms in Talents
Outsiders19Mr. Leavemebeimfarming33
G O D L I K E12Sir of Violations18
Dragon Clan19Mr. Timberwolf14
The Empire 7Mr. Darion of Mordor7
Juganitorii2Mr. Vallachian Knight6
KRD5Mr. Aragorn4
Not a member of kingdom3Mr. Heroix4
OutLawZ2Master Cloutier1
OMEGA1Sir Sneeeeezeeee Alooot1
Kingdom Of Perry2Mr. Oliebol II0
Kingdoms in Midgard
Brotherhoods16Mr. Geneticx9
The Knights of the Black and White8Mr. Uther Pendragon2
The Newbie Warlords10Mr. Wins2
TriForce4Mr. Zaxou1
DA Communist9Mr. Wargbigb1
Grid4Mr. Gijoe0
Etchi wa sotchi4Mr. Hentai0
Revolation1Mr. Ezatous0

23:04:53 Sep 25th 09 - Sir Lazydragoon:

Because i am bored and feel like doing something

1. No Pulse29Mr. Hanky Panky100

2. Revelation29Mr. Roxbury89

3. Foundation32Sir Feanor87

4.  Insane Asylum33Dr. Raving Lunatic82

5.  Rebirth26Sir Overcome68

6.  Hot Inactive Veterans23Sir Binh The Conqueror61

7.  Dynamite24Duke Nukem50

8.  Nebulous Elysium Guards25Mr. Pointbreak44

9.  Phi Factor19Mr. Mavich42

10. Dendarii Mercenary Corps20Sir Jondrus Blackfist39

23:16:00 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Edd:

aww darn it we r not there! we need more members! any players out there wanna join me???

20:07:10 Sep 26th 09 - Sir Serene:

so whats the world wars look like? Whos warring who, who appears to be winning etc?

20:49:32 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

pretty much all me.

22:32:53 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Wins:

lol :D

19:24:37 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Yellow Bean:



TOP 5 Kds

No Pulse 29 Mr. Hanky Panky 116

Revelation 29 Mr. Roxbury 107

Insane Asylum 33 Dr. Raving Lunatic 100

Foundation 32 Sir Feanor 99

Rebirth 26 Sir Overcome 78



Foundation is 4th finaly .....

21:58:08 Sep 28th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

with the new cross worlds if you war too many peopl early on you are screwed but if you are careful and only war a few then you can beat them fortify and then invade other people. exactly what fate did last era.

22:23:53 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

* cough* mas nap :P!!
o.j fate -_-!!!

22:47:52 Sep 28th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

meh it is what it is, if you can nap the dangerous people you can kill and eat the littleuns. hopefully whoever wins this era has at least fought one battle though, that hurt my feelings last era.

10:43:13 Sep 30th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

no kingdom has fought as many battles as us?...sooo no pulse for era win!

11:37:28 Sep 30th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Crazy and No pulse warring fate? where?

11:42:53 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Dark Prince Stirlin


17:37:28 Sep 30th 09
Crazy and No pulse warring fate? where?


Farm less, send out more armies, and you will find out :)

12:03:23 Sep 30th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

do you even play this game? plz look on fant map
thank you

12:03:44 Sep 30th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

Endless Death


09:49:26 Sep 30th 09

or you can pussee out :p

1) CF between Insane Asylum and No Pulse until both kingdoms agree that Foundation is dead.

2) Both kingdoms agree that when it is decided Foundation (Fate) is dead the war between No Pulse and Insane Asylum will start 72 hours later. No sooner.


so u can see a massive attack by crazy and no pulse working together to take down fate :o u guys give urself too much credit

12:24:58 Sep 30th 09 - Endless Death:

Blame your leak, I'm honoured to merit such a CF :)

12:38:57 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

I wish u guys would start in fantasia so i could pick you off one bye one instead of haveing to cross an entire map//

16:09:56 Sep 30th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

i wish i would be not a fag but a rapist ... would rape you one by one :)

20:48:53 Sep 30th 09 - Sir Marius:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 32 Sir Feanor 93
Sol Invictus 15 Lord Polydeuces 28
The Guild of the Fallen 11 Junior Guildmaster Dragon 21
Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse 29 Mr. Hanky Panky 110
Mad Against Drugs 29 Mr. Aloysius 19
BBMMFB 5 Sir Penguinus Prime 13
Republic of Gonadia 1 Sir Gonads The Raging 1
Shadows 9 Lady Astoria 0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans 23 Sir Binh The Conqueror 72
Dynamite 33 Mr. Augh 70
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 19 Sir Jondrus Blackfist 35
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 29 Mr. Roxbury 100
Phi Factor 19 Mr. Mavich 50
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Rebirth 26 Sir Overcome 69
Hamish 5 Mr. Hamish 18
Royal order of Claidmore 8 Duke Kevdwayne 6
Seasons 3 Mr. Elit 5
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Kingdom of Hearts 7 Mr. Edd 25
OBLIVION EXTREME 13 Mr. Dyrness The Strong 25
Lightning Dust 8 Mr. Theophilus XII 18
Demons of Razgriz 7 Mr. Justin 11
Black Dragon Empire 7 Mr. Dragon Knight 10
Nebulous Elysium Guards 7 Sir Farimer 9
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Insane Asylum 34 Dr. Raving Lunatic 96
Bane 9 Mr. Gibson 31
Domination 9 Mr. Suqah 15
Kingdom of Heaven 6 Mr. Farmer 1
Destiny 5 Mr. Kupo 1
JUICY 5 Commander Aligreat 0
The ROC Elders 7 Mr. Ghengis Khan 0
Order of Braimul 1 Mr. Drava 0
Kingdoms in Talents
Outsiders 19 Mr. Leavemebeimfarming 29
G O D L I K E 11 Sir of Violations 17
The Empire 8 Mr. Darion of Mordor 7
Dragon Clan 17 Mr. Timberwolf 6
Juganitorii 2 Mr. Vallachian Knight 3
OutLawZ 2 Master Cloutier 1
Kingdom Of Perry 1 Mr. Krumpingboy 0
Kingdoms in Midgard
The Knights of the Black and White 16 Mr. Uther Pendragon 10
The Newbie Warlords 12 Mr. Wins 7
Etchi wa sotchi 4 Mr. Hentai 3
TriForce 5 Mr. Zaxou 1
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 1
Grid 3 Mr. Gijoe 0
Revolation 1 Mr. Ezatous 0
COOP 3 Mr. Kane 0
DA Communist 9 Mr. Wargbigb 0
Shadow Form 1 Lord Wraith The Inactive 0
Kingdoms in Latha
Peaceful Beguinings 3 Sir Erythnul The Peaceful 0
Black Panther 2 Mr. Rockon 0
Dark Rider Empire 4 Mr. Mafia 0
Mandalorian Empire 1 Mr. Mandoa 0
Killer Klownz 1 Mr. Karniforius 0

22:36:03 Sep 30th 09 - Endless Death:

LOL, I was complimented , how often does it get that specific- plus c'mon - the wording is LMAO funny :P


22:45:37 Sep 30th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

penis? anyone?

23:00:04 Sep 30th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

1- im not gonna gang up on fate because they had a good era last era, thats noobish and lame, I will concentrate on killing off anyone in my area of operations and consolidating my own areas. if need be I will war fate but only if it happens near me. unlike some , its not personal unless its that backstabbing turd Ben.


. I am crazy to the core and will listen to the doctors orders but I disagree with this as well as napping KOH after Edd mouthed off about us all last era I was looking forward to killing off both him and justin as well as Palpadouche who has mouthed off and needs a good reality check, as it stands at least I got to massacre Justin who has hidden in a couple cities peeing down his leg as I plunder him every day.

 Edd gets to live for another era as my leader deemed it so, he is lucky as I was marching 60 k archies at his city when I got the message and needless to say I am not the forgiving kind.


2- anyone else who does gang up on fate merely does so because they were succsessful last era, frankly dominating the way they did didnt win them many friends even if for the most part they are honourable players.  last era everyone except a few of us napped fate because they didnt wnat to get killed Fate were allowed to get too powerful and farmed some massive armies and invaded everyone, now people know what will happen if Fate remains unchecked. its just a cycle and nothing personal.

01:10:23 Oct 1st 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:


Mr. The Beast


11:38:57 Sep 30th 09
I wish u guys would start in fantasia so i could pick you off one bye one instead of haveing to cross an entire map//


theres like 100% chance u guys wud hav tried naping us if we started in fant...anyway that wud be more likely then killing us im quite reassured

01:13:25 Oct 1st 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

nah, MAP. Fantasia alliance ftw

02:15:45 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Edd:

 Edd gets to live for another era as my leader deemed it so, he is lucky as I was marching 60 k archies at his city when I got the message and needless to say I am not the forgiving kind.


whoa whoa mentioning me? and lol 60k archies r nothing to me if we had to war you would have been bounced back and it would have been a long war.

06:06:28 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

feels the love...

havent really attacked crazy in the forum in the least. had a few of them want to hunt me down etc etc but raving lunatic seems a solid guy and with a balanced head on his shoulders. maybe that's whats wrong he isnt crayz enough lol.

i enjoy the healthy forum antics by most of crazy but you cant blame Edd and others after the LD/ROC/CRAZY starta alliance thingy last era and there was bad fallout so some people will have issues(on both sides).

the crazy crew who wanted me dead had last era to do it, i was LD before that and made sure i wasnt napped with crazy so they could have their opportunity. later i was told i wasnt going to be attacked(coz not in crazy area) and i joined kingdom of hearts who are ex LD and remained with them this era. just a soldier following orders and not been especially active. let me know how long this grudge is going to continue so i can have an era of you killing me to get out of your system. lol

last eraon midguard , btw, i could reach transgender beer nurse's cities in 20 tics but i didn't touch them...

06:40:40 Oct 1st 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Last era we were napped with LD or you would have been removed. We may be crazy but we keep our word.

as for edd LOL who are you kidding, Ive seen your armies and 60k archmages would have been enough to take any city you had. besides I now have 80 k LOL, (thank you demons for that 50mil plunder)  what pissed me off was Edd slagging Crazy for not abandoning our blockers when his alliance was farming too much to fill their own. there was a reason that Crazy Cities were the last to fall to fate on Starta last era. I am surprised that Edd didnt notice me casting eits when i got to valhalla.

06:44:45 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Edd:

Your not even near any of my cities.

This is what i got in my armory this is not even counting all the AM's i have on the field. I trained this is 1 day and a half

Power: 0   0 Train:

(38 days)
In city: 21423
In training: 0
Cost: 300 gold

Their power will increase at the same rate as your magic level.
Power: 27   27 Train:

(54 days)
In city: 38635
In training: 34123
Cost: 4000 gold

06:55:40 Oct 1st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

lol...people have 150k archmages u better catch up boy ;P

06:58:29 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Edd:

thats just to point out to the crazy person that 60k wouldn't have been enough to beat me.

07:00:27 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Edd:

anyways im not pro im just an ordinary player.

07:09:17 Oct 1st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

lol ur doing dam good for an ordinary player...keep up the good work :)

09:53:53 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

i was KoA last era for that opportunity for you to kill me...after lithium ;) posted i wasnt going to be attacked coz i we were not in the same area, i joined kingdom of hearts(bit more too it than that but that is the timeline). so you had time last era anyway.

anyway i dont hide but i also just follow orders it is refreshing to do that and not lead for a change.

17:25:11 Oct 1st 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

LOL KoA was across the maps and you didnt join KOH right away you joined LD who were napped with us. either way I cant kill you as we are allied , mores the pity.

17:26:12 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

@stewie i onl kno 1 person who has more then tht ;P!!
who could it be O_o???

17:34:31 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. The Beast:

OMG stew who has 150k AM?

17:42:04 Oct 1st 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Random would have that by now. If not, he's been slacking :P

17:46:43 Oct 1st 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Well, he IS a slacker :P

17:48:05 Oct 1st 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

lol 150k are u making fun of random :p

17:49:01 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. The Beast:

we could have diffrent time frames But the last time he bought my stone was..
Random[] bought 12800000 stone for 12339200 gold from you on the market.   8 days ago

22:00:45 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

Duke Bad Kitty


02:25:11 Oct 2nd 09
LOL KoA was across the maps and you didnt join KOH right away you joined LD who were napped with us. either way I cant kill you as we are allied , mores the pity.


Epic fail...i wasnt even in LD not even for one second last year.


22:25:24 Oct 1st 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:


Bad Kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22:34:06 Oct 1st 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Busted, Crazy member came out of the loony bin too early.

03:46:21 Oct 2nd 09 - Lord Pesterd:

lol stewie stop saying how many AM's i have...

03:47:09 Oct 2nd 09 - Duke Random:

I don't like your stones beasty ;)

03:48:30 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

he likes mine >:D!!

03:52:30 Oct 2nd 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

he never buys mine :'(

06:21:55 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


06:23:55 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

gets aways from my stones crazy fool stonehead

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