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Forums / In game politics / World Wars Era 42

World Wars Era 42
21:35:35 Oct 3rd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

LOL well I would say the epic fail was getting booted out of an alliance for being a bad leader, not for getting an alliance wrong. but then Ive never been booted from an alliance let alone for being a bad player or leader.

21:51:22 Oct 3rd 09 - Mr. Horus II:


No Pulse 29 Mr. Hanky Panky 885
Revelation 29 Mr. Roxbury 782
Insane Asylum 33 Dr. Raving Lunatic 700
Foundation 32 Sir Feanor 678
Hot Inactive Veterans 23 Sir Binh The Conqueror 549

22:01:51 Oct 3rd 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

well there can only be one "leader" otherwise you cant be kicked lol

actually we had a chap from Pakistan who wasn't used to losing in any shape or form and disappeared and sulked for a week and gave us no leadership. he then would log in once a day to tell us what dvds he is watching while we were warring and i was asked by others to step up with bill and i did. we tried our best and organised a counter offensive that an enemies give us credit for(resulting in me being invited to join the boom the following era but not this other guy) but our supposed leader sat back and didnt participate in the war but told 4-5 of his yes men not to listen to us(and pretty much give up and wait for the inevitable)...i booted one of them and thus was booted for booting one of his friends and then he killed the alliance so others couldnt fight on. others joined boom and he did too but he refused to follow orders from them and went into fanta to boost his score along with nish while the others fought MAD.

this wasnt the first time, he did the same thing in hellbunnies the era before, refusing to follow orders of adam and carina and encouraging others to follow him instead(he even left the chat just like he did the boom chat). except for that little group of his, who never liked me anyway and struggle to think for themselves, most people wanted me to join them this era.

06:07:15 Oct 4th 09 - Mr. Edd:

But you stayed with me cause im an awesome leader who is just plain great! right?

06:19:24 Oct 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

no he stays with you coz your...your....ermmm...your....:O your names edd ;)!!!

07:19:57 Oct 4th 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

right said Edd

3 eras we have been together now but i have just been told i am a bad player :(

07:30:35 Oct 4th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

You cant be a bad player! I indirectly fought you last era! and it was a lot of fun :)

07:43:22 Oct 4th 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

it was a blast excuse the pun. have you learnt yet you are allowed to have less than 50k troops in an army?

you still making fortress cities annoyingly close to enemy blockers?

07:49:11 Oct 4th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

last era i only built one city on midgard :P the rest i captured =D and the one city i had was in such a nice spot, behind those trees ;) you guys couldn't touch it!

09:42:38 Oct 4th 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

lol but i was in KoA before that as Alterax...i was referring to that ;)

16:15:30 Oct 4th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

o, well in that case then ya, i'm still building dangerously close to blockers :P but thats what makes the game fun XD

16:26:35 Oct 5th 09 - Lady Kirs:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans 24 Sir Binh The Conqueror 100
Dynamite 33 Mr. Augh 80
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 18 Sir Jondrus Blackfist 22
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 32 Sir Feanor 119
The Guild of the Fallen 15 Junior Guildmaster Dragon 14
Google 1 Lord Resistance 1
Kingdoms in Mantrax
No Pulse 29 Mr. Hanky Panky 161
BBMMFB 5 Sir Penguinus Prime 22
Mad Against Drugs 28 Mr. Aloysius 18
Republic of Gonadia 1 Sir Gonads The Raging 1
Shadows 9 Lady Astoria 0
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 29 Mr. Roxbury 148
Phi Factor 19 Mr. Mavich 77
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Rebirth 32 Sir Overcome 79
Hamish 5 Mr. Hamish 25
Royal order of Claidmore 10 Duke Kevdwayne 20
Seasons 3 Mr. Elit 8
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Kingdom of Hearts 7 Mr. Edd 33
OBLIVION EXTREME 15 Mr. Dyrness The Strong 28
Lightning Dust 9 Mr. Theophilus XII 26
Demons of Razgriz 6 Mr. Justin 8
Black Dragon Empire 5 Mr. Dragon Knight 5
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Insane Asylum 32 Dr. Raving Lunatic 131
Bane 9 Mr. Gibson 40
Domination 10 Mr. Suqah 16
Kingdom of Heaven 5 Mr. Farmer 1
JUICY 5 Commander Aligreat 0
The ROC Elders 7 Mr. Ghengis Khan 0
Destiny 4 Mr. Kupo 0
Order of Braimul 1 Mr. Drava 0
Kingdoms in Talents
Outsiders 20 Mr. Leavemebeimfarming 44
G O D L I K E 11 Sir of Violations 26
Dragon Clan 17 Mr. Timberwolf 7
The Empire 7 Mr. Darion of Mordor 5
Juganitorii 1 Mr. Vallachian Knight 2
OutLawZ 2 Master Cloutier 1
Kingdom Of Perry 1 Mr. Krumpingboy 0
Kingdoms in Midgard
The Knights of the Black and White 17 Mr. Uther Pendragon 18
The Newbie Warlords 13 Mr. Wins 17
Etchi wa sotchi 3 Mr. Hentai 4
TriForce 6 Mr. Zaxou 3
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 3
raging demons 3 Mr. Legend 1
Shadow Form 1 Lord Wraith The Inactive 1
Grid 3 Mr. Gijoe 0
Revolation 1 Mr. Ezatous 0
DA Communist 9 Mr. Wargbigb 0
Kingdoms in Latha
Peaceful Beguinings 3 Sir Erythnul The Peaceful 2
Killer Klownz 8 Mr. Karniforius 2
Knights of The White Wolf 2 General Wolfenstien 1
Dark Rider Empire 4 Mr. Mafia 1
Pheonix 2 Ms. Jess 0
Mandalorian Empire 1 Mr. Mandoa 0

16:48:06 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Serene:

So whats Crazy up to? So quiet over there?

17:29:28 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. William The Vendingmachine:

i am planting nice little daisy's in Midgard at the moment.. thats about it:-)

19:54:19 Oct 9th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

*eats the daisies*


20:49:14 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. William The Vendingmachine:

NOOOOOO!!!! :*-(

09:47:55 Oct 10th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Bad Kitty, bad bad kitty. Vendingmachine was trolling for sweet little Daisy

12:53:39 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

you know if you farm in south fantasia u might even win the era//

14:45:19 Oct 10th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

we have reconciled our differences over white banners.  it was harsh treatment and the shock therorpy really did me in.  CRAZY personal now have no aversion to white banners and it wa foolish anyway.

it is blak banners.  should have known.  we are now sending our troops out in the opposite directions.  find the black banners.  make them go away!!

I'm afraid of the dark....

23:18:29 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Vangard:

Oh noo <.<    >.>  I have a black banner!!!

00:15:46 Oct 11th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


06:12:54 Oct 11th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Its not that we want people with black banners to be dead, we just dont wnat them to be alive...anymore.

20:44:30 Oct 12th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

the world wars are quiet. is there anyone besides Rev and phi on starta at all?

21:25:42 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Kjetilbert:


05:08:16 Oct 13th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

arg, yes Kitty, there are now :D

Not for long though.

08:31:44 Oct 13th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Hey Kitty, is your kingdom now in war with hearts ????

18:05:26 Oct 13th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Not as far as I am aware, we are napped.

00:35:15 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Edd:

WE are not at war with crazy we love crazy people.



01:30:44 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I was just wondering why you took their blockers recently, blockers who have never been in crazy hands before ^^

01:41:01 Oct 14th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

what crazy blockers did hearts take?

02:54:54 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Mandoa:

All of them...

04:24:21 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

i allowed a crazy member(nap) who was ex demons of razgriz(nap) who was rebuilding to take one of my cities which served as a blocker primarily to his two cities...the city i had previously taken off an enemy and it served me little purpose to garrison and defend but was in his interest to have for himself.

see we care and share here at KoH you could say we are all Heart...

04:39:31 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Dropkick The Keeper of Light:

or was it 2 stop sum1 from entering lol :P

04:47:34 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Edd:

that makes no sense Why would we give some one a blocker if we can just stop people from entering and anyways we got no enemies.

05:28:07 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

well maybe to give crazy access to kingdoms heart has naped themself, but not crazy and so crazy has access suddenly and can attack them ^^

05:34:40 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Edd:

lol crazy had free passage a if it went a little east not much of a difference and besides phoenix was not even crazy he just turned crazy he was a demon before.

07:53:01 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

lol...firstly i have no knowledge of crazy's other naps and no love lost between crazy and myself. but this particular guy was ex demons of razgriz who are mostly ex kingdom of hearts who are ex LD ...he only had a few cities left and was trying to rebuild. the city i took from oblivion but it didnt serve me as a blocker and i didnt want to reinforce it for little reason when it primarily benefited him.

talk about paranoid, you want me to find a spare city for you to have too?


12:04:16 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

If I wanted your cities, I would fight in Valhalla and not in Fantasia ^^

12:26:00 Oct 14th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

so many exes I want an ex.  maybe I'll go dwarf next era.  they get axes.  and that's almost as good.

BTW  Hearts have been very sweet.  That is something you'd expect.  I'm just glad they aren't called 'clubs' or something.  Maybe I'll start "Queens of spades" next era.

19:38:47 Oct 15th 09 - Princess Medusa:

Top Kingdoms ;


No Pulse29Mr. Hanky Panky185

Insane Asylum32Dr. Raving Lunatic151

Revelation29Mr. Roxbury141

Hot Inactive Veterans23Sir Binh The Conqueror117

Rebirth31Sir Overcome100

Phi Factor19Mr. Mavich80

Foundation31Sir Feanor78

Dynamite30Mr. Augh75

Royal order of Claidmore20Duke Kevdwayne50

Outsiders17Mr. Leavemebeimfarming44

05:30:07 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

Top Kingdoms ;

1. No Pulse 30 Mr. Hanky Panky 423

2. Insane Asylum 34 Dr. Raving Lunatic 319

Revelation 30 Mr. Roxbury 294


Hot Inactive Veterans 23 Sir Binh The Conqueror 269
5. Rebirth 31 Sir Overcome 249
6. Dynamite 29 Mr. Augh 212
7. Phi Factor 20 Mr. Mavich 193
8. Foundation 30 Sir Feanor 102
9. Kingdom of Hearts 9 Mr. Edd 100
10. Royal order of Claidmore 19 Duke Kevdwayne 81

05:31:46 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

9. Kingdom of Hearts 9 Mr. Edd 100


7. Phi Factor 20 Mr. Mavich 193

Due to Nap confusion and Stubborness from Phi.

05:45:08 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Are you fricking kidding me?!?!?! You attacked us, we attacked you. You were able to get a good deal with us for peace with us. As part of the NAP with us, you make us allow you to send troops through our blockers to get to FATE ONLY! NOW, with an army already on one of our blockers, you find it a good idea to declare war on us?!?!?!?! WTF?

You guys are a bunch of pussies who wouldn't declare war on us until HIV and Rebirth already did. You are pathetic.

05:50:50 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

Lol no i gave you guys the whole day to decide i message zeracool talked to drakos and karac. All i wanted for you guys to open the gates so my guys could get to Fant. But your superiors are so stubborn and didnt want to open the gates even though it was in our NAP. I warned them it was going to be war if you guys guys still refuse and you guys chose your answer.

05:58:12 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

That is by far the worst excuse/piece of shit that I have heard yet this era. You don't declare war on a KD that has offered very generous NAP terms after many dishonorable actions by your KD. You asked for waaaay to much for a KD that was going to lose a lot of cities. We agreed with the NAP only because we were busy with FATE. Now you decide to attack us while our backs were turned. We had sent all of our armies either South, West, or East, and you just attack from the north. You put your army at our blockers pretending like you would maybe go to fant, and then you declare war and start attacking our probably unprotected core. You bunch of weaklings.

06:01:44 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

i don't even ahve any armies in starta yet. The issue was with one of my vices surprise. He wanted to get through to Fant to get a good score. As said by our NAP we are granted a passage to Fant from you world. Well when he asked for the gates to be opened zeracool refused then he complained to me then i message a lot of people in your kd gave you a time limit and warn them that it was going to be war if you didnt open the gates. You chose to kept them close and now the blocker is ours.

06:13:55 Oct 22nd 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

Name: Phi Factor
Members: 19
Created: 4/27/2009 5:26:10 AM
Leader: Mr. Mavich

Bad kitty's army shall fall back, out of starta.

no cities shall be returned.

I took my army out of starta and you guys took my city, that was a nap break when asked for compensation you refused and made excuses.  basically you reap what you sow, nobody will trust you when you have shown that you dont do the right thing. one important thing you people forget is that Honour is how you act when you have nothing to gain or noone is watching.  and btw Hearts has been an honourable Ally and have never even approached breaking their word when it would have been totally to their advantage to do so. Meanwhile Phi breaks a nap less than 2 hours after signing it.

Looks like being a dishonourable bunch of twats is coming back to bite you in the ass.

Go hearts!

06:22:50 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Wtf? Kitty, your attack on us from the start was dishonorable. We bent over backwards to agree to demands made by Edd to have a NAP after a war where we were clearly winning. I don't know the complete story with your stupid city, but it wasn't a very big city and was taken under bad circumstances by you. You are complaining waaaay too much for something so minor. Now Surprise declares war on us as he is making seem to us that he is just trying to get into Fant. He could have at least tried to negotiate with us like we did with them, but instead he looks at the situation and decides that he can just waltz in some of our core and take our cities.

06:24:49 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

omg i negotiated for hours you guys were making pathethic excuses for not opening the gates and not agreeing to the NAP and you guys were not winning no war. Before the NAP as signed all cities in Vanhalla belonged to us. Suprise cleared the south and i sieged the blocker.

06:27:54 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Wtf... We all took our armies out of Valhalla cause there were negotiations going on. Surpise didn't do squat while we were at war. I don't know what map you were reading.

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