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Nirvana Wars II
16:07:13 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

nvm u r human i guess i should b a little worried about u

16:08:44 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Bigsmellyfeet:

well im a stg ing human :) you schuld be wery afraid from me:) :P

16:10:50 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

i stg too...

16:45:30 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Bigsmellyfeet:

:)) lool yes but im a human thats an advanteg !!! i have -10%  buying on the market .. that waht stg is !!! huamns not elves ... on fantasia you cant stg only with humans or else its not worth it ....

16:53:58 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

theres no more stone

16:54:39 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

well its at 1 but too much trouble and you get 0-10% randomly u could lose it

00:13:24 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Has anyone seen War Pigs recently? 

Getting a little concerned that it's gone MIA then started wondering if it's one of those phantom HoH armies where the owner can't afford to take it out of a town. 
Pity if that's true - I'm still waiting for the bacon butty that BigSmellyFeet promised me :(

09:17:14 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Bigsmellyfeet:

well im afraid war pigs  is gone::( and i mised the chance to get  the bacon for you Ducky :)

09:37:44 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

That's ok, Bsm, if they were hiding in a town all that time they were probably turning to fat - and I don't like streaky that much :)

06:09:00 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

GOod job to OP and mad they both did a good job they invaded from everywhere i couldn't b everywhere at once and to OP memebers amybe a little more magic protection will help u guys

11:32:46 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Xuiian:

BWK, you guys are amazing, absolutely astonishing. We kill them, destroy everything they have and trample on their dignity. We did all that and they won't shut up. BWK, thanks for the insane amounts of complaining and moaning this era, we sincerely hope our feet and your face meet once again in future.

A big thanks to OP for bringing balance to the equation, without your help it would have been a bit more messy. Long live Dogga!

Dharan Empire, nice work . Esspecially Ducky and DoD,  I wish we could see more of that "Im not dead yet" attitude.

Every peasant in every city please give a round of applause to the champions of this realm (everyone except BWK, just because we know they 5uck so much).


14:00:16 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Thanks for the shout-out, Mr X, and thanks to MAD for throwing us a lifeline by letting us rebuild in your area. But any good words for us really needs to go to all the Dharians equally. 

I may have been the most vocal, and DoD the most destructive, but that was only possible because we knew we could rely on Lady G and Mr Drake to back us up whatever happened.  They took a lot of the hits from BWK, which helped DoD and me rebuild a little but stopped them being able to get back into the fight as much as they would have liked.  But they stuck at it, and kept a lot of the pressure off us rather than complaining that they were getting the short end.  Playing the "not dead yet" game only works when you know the whole KD is happy to do the same, no matter how their personal era is going.

Speaking of which, even though he's enemy, Mr Great Elf deserves some credit for the same - he's stuck in there and thrown everything he can into surviving even as BWK collapsed and / or deserted around him.  He's been willing to come on here and flame, trying to keep the fight going, but ultimately he seems to be the only Wolf who's actually done anything for the past 4 or 5 days.  The other Wolves could learn from that.....

15:13:59 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Ducky:

Is this the greatest turnround for a top KD in the history of VU?  About 10 days ago, BWK were stronger than all the other KDs on Nirvana combined.  Then they upset people and seem to have paid the price.....

Kingdoms in Nirvana
OPOwnified Pzornification12Mr. Dogga653
MADMad Against Drugs10Mr. Hilario322
DharaDharan Empire5Mr. Deadordying100
SSSoul Society6Mr. Aizen1
BWKBlack Wolf Knights8General Wolfenstien1

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