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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 48

Fantasia 48
10:42:30 May 13th 17 - Osiris (Mr. Telamon):

*waits for alba to realise it wasn't abydos complaining about river prepping and stop talking shit about us ^^*

10:50:48 May 13th 17 - Lord Caedus:

Image result for Forum meme

13:45:38 May 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

14:32:44 May 13th 17 - Mr. Problematic:

  • 1:19:51 May 13th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

    I'm still not sure how you took Tidus btw. I had just increased my military science and you guys hadnt merged in extra troops. Maybe morale suddenly fell and I didn't notice. I have no idea.

Its actually simple. Just ask SFD.
As long as you bow down to Osiris, you stand no chance.

  • Mr. Sfd (5/7/2017 10:33:55 PM)GOODBAD
    this time odin is on my side!!!!!!
    You (5/7/2017 11:45:59 PM)
    We shall see!
    You can pray to your Osiris all you want
    Odin is the rightful God

15:36:28 May 13th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

This Bling we have on the forum is freaking me out. I think we need someone else to take over as the original Bling has died. Rest in peace, you honestly where the funniest forum troll until they chopped your manhood away :( . *Sobs*

15:39:53 May 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

WTF... nobody touches my manhoods..

All im hearing is whine whine.. river jump... whine whine ... osi buttfucks binh.. whine whine... alba are homoghey fhag buttlicks.

15:42:03 May 13th 17 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Bling, is it really true that Albatross had no blocker on the bridge in their south? :D

15:46:47 May 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

Now... you know Im not one for gossip... BUT

alba are ghey, alcoholics, drug users, and REALLY cant fly. So in short, no.

15:48:22 May 13th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

hahahahhaahahha. Bling's the only reason I check this forum lol, plus the blocker thing is quite funny. 

15:49:59 May 13th 17 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

Mr. Bling The Mad:

WTF... nobody touches my manhoods..

cant fault this statement

15:52:48 May 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

well, after the incident where you leaned over to "get the remote control" and your mouth slipped its way down it, I no longer make it available... apart from Bogdan because he is truly a master of the art of sucking, as most vampires are

20:07:42 May 13th 17 - Lord Caedus:

Can Bling do well without BTs? ;)

20:08:44 May 13th 17 - Mr. Bane:

No BT's this round. Feel free to ask Zeta. 

22:06:07 May 13th 17 - Lord Caedus:

Well I underestimated the ability of Orc to spam gaia incredibly quickly then!!

22:35:20 May 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

00:40:48 May 14th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

Rest Assured that Abydos does not underestimate orc gaia spam anymore.

01:55:02 May 14th 17 - Mr. Problematic:

Are you saying that one of the oldest, veteran filled kingdom thought orc gaia spam is nothing to worry about?

02:03:39 May 14th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

Well to be fair I am very surprised myself but I'm only speaking for myself. I haven't played in like.. 30 eras. I don't remember orbs having 1/2s that lower morale. 

Also, we just didn't have any orcs ourselves. 

02:19:08 May 14th 17 - Mr. Problematic:

That is like saying Chilean and Stormy are our members, but they really do not matter cause they suck?

Jas would never say such a thing, even if some of our members were underachieving....

02:25:40 May 14th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

She means chill started late and storm only just joined so they were not in the fight.  Your Orcs didn't surprise us they did what normal Orcs do, We dropped the ball early on and had a very poor start due to our race set up and lack of activity bit shit happens and we will recover 

03:01:49 May 14th 17 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Sad part is that you are right next to Dark Riders, so you will end up getting hit in the back soon, because that is just the natural way the rest of this era will shape into. Its quite a shame that the two veteran kingdoms that had chance to farm decided to NAP and take the easy way out of this era.

Cause if you take a closer look at the kingdoms, you have Collective, a returning kingdom filled of players of lower skill, that try to fix that with high activity when possible. And I am not being harsh, a kingdom that almost dies against 1 player and when you have 15 active players, its not harsh to say skill is low. Then you have Albatross, sort of a new kingdom, couple of veteran players, but nowhere close to the level of skilled veterans that Dark Riders or Mad And Dangerous have in their ranks.

But sure, when two kingdoms NAP, its expected for others to NAP as well, it has been happening every single era when we were not around, except for FW. We tried to do that back in the days when there were less people around, but now the skill level is up, so untill we get a bit better, we will not be able to go without relations. I am pretty sure if we fought Abydos and Albatross at the same time, we would lose. That would lead to MAD and Dark Riders war, which would probably made the era more fun and full of great wars. Who known, maybe in the future there will be an era when everyone will fight everyone. It will be fun

03:21:03 May 14th 17 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Eh, last era, Dark Riders had a pretty rough time and early exit from the era.

I also finally lost to Binh for the first time in about 10 fights or so.... ;(

07:42:31 May 14th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

As osi said, Chilean has not been active and started late while stormy joined like 10 ticks ago. No need to make me look like an incredibly abusive monster.

12:38:51 May 14th 17 - Prince Root Saint:

Just to say , Orcs lowered morale last time you played lew and it was ALL orc troops, never specific ones. 

Whenever i come back i realise I've forgotten a shit loads of stuff lol 

12:49:19 May 14th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

Never said it was only Gaia that lowered morale. 

Don't actually know if orcs lowered morale back when I played, but at least I don't remember it and a lot of stuff has changed. For example, 7.5k arms giving max benefits or magic sci not being needed for magic defense are for sure updates that were implemented when I didn't play. 

Also, how do you know when I last played? Are you stalking me?! 

19:32:07 May 14th 17 - McMax (Mr. Magicus Maximus):

Well I don't know when you were online last - but I still remember something about "sacrificial lambs" back in time........

19:43:33 May 14th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

How many era's have Collective and Albatross played. They both have decent Veteran players so its sad to see them NAP. See goes both ways and the newest kingdom on the map is our kingdom. Every player has not played under this banner other then me, its a revived old kingdom back from some of our nub days. 

23:42:25 May 14th 17 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Collective played together maybe 8 eras total, and that is the total amount of eras played by 80% of the kingdom if not more. All those are new players with exception to Jasmina, myself, and maybe two more. The rest are newish players we gathered. Albatross is playing together for 3 (or 4) eras, and their record so far is 3 defeats, which is normal for a new kingdom, and their members are either returning players like Chronos, they maybe have a few veterans, but I do not know. Their leader is highly inactive Caedus and most calls are made by Edi, a brand new player that lacks experience and possibly skill, but tries to improve with high activity (he admitted to low skill just recently as being the first person to actually die on Mantrax even thought he had the strongest army on the map, died due only to his mistakes and complete lack of experience and wrong decision making). 

And to compare, the other two kingdoms have players like Fred, Aloy, Kobu, that both have won numerious eras, all great players and they are backed up by rest of the kingdom of highly active players, and Dark Riders are a kingdom where you have TBL, most likely top 5 player of the game, Justin, best dwarf player of the game, Stewie, great player aside his forum attitude, you have best late era troll team as well, Von, Evans and Knight, and the rest of the team are mostly all veteran highly active great players.

But to explain, I am not making excuses for possible defeat, I am just stating the differences in skill between the two alliances. Even if we lose, we are going to take many down with us. And I am not saying it was a bad decision, the goal of this game is to win, and your decision is 100% the best for your kingdom, and that is what everyone should be doing, making decisions best for their team. Anyways, good luck to you all in wars to come.

00:46:44 May 15th 17 - Pirate Lewatha:

Luckily there's Abydos to rule you all.

05:46:16 May 15th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

and I'm here for shits and giggles. didnt Jasmina spend a couple era's teaching alba how to become her personal sex slaves?

05:48:15 May 15th 17 - Lady Elisa Day:

She has her own kinky slaves now...

We take all her time now
Especially I...

By the way
So called best player of the game

Why the red things?

Through the eye we can see this information about Meow, owned by Mr. Binh Late Again:
Pony riders:0
Magic Towers:0
Guard Towers:40001
Lumber Mills:12495

Armies in the city: 2(Total of 8675 men)

05:54:08 May 15th 17 - Mr. Bane:

cause it gives him 200k DP with no upkeep.

07:06:38 May 15th 17 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Best player in the game has made mistakes before. Many many times. Doesn't stop him from being best player in the game after Wilberforce though. You want him in your team rather than against you.

And look.... even I have made my own major fuck up this era:


Each lumbermill produces around 6 tree per day.
Built: 12717 Build:
In construction: 43282

I was supposed to build 58K mines. A combination of just waking up, playing from the phone, trying to dangle an active, screaming toddler on my lap, trying to avoid wife catching me play VU, and trying to eat my breakfast quickly so that I can rush for an early morning meeting, all at the same time, makes me do things I am not proud of.

And I am only just the 50th best player out of 50 players in VU too. So best player mistakes are magnified many times over.

07:24:32 May 15th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

Thankfully, I'm here to make the game seem cool... now ...


09:14:03 May 15th 17 - Binh (Mr. Binh Late Again):

without the 40k gts, i wouldve been dead and you guys get a free 90k from a player who started 5 rl days late and just came oop few ticks ago. i think i rather stay alive tyvm :p

12:05:59 May 15th 17 - Prince Pesterd:

How many era's have Collective and Albatross played. They both have decent Veteran players so its sad to see them NAP. See goes both ways and the newest kingdom on the map is our kingdom. Every player has not played under this banner other then me, its a revived old kingdom back from some of our nub days. 

I was under that banner too btw!!

12:22:30 May 15th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

I likes to play under the blankets.

19:45:26 May 15th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

@Dark Spawn fair enough I do agree with your assessment plus only considered good because I killed all the good dwarves *giggles*. But what you dont see is it takes time for players to develop as a team regardless of experience. Also some of our players are seriously inactive, for obvious reasons I am not gonna mention who. But man I actually was hoping that your kingdom would not have nap'd but like I said I dont blame you either it was a no brainer. In relevance to our kingdom we literally got gangbanged last era and half the players never experienced a fight. Therefore we made a decision diplomatically to allow us a better chance. Also it help this team thats newly formed gain some experience working together. I also wish your kingdom the best of luck. 

@TBL just teach he toddler to play vu lol, simples. 

@ Pesterd. I was like 13 when I made dark riders. I have lived a mad life and can barely remember anything. Some people still message me in the game and im like "hahaha heey"....who the hell is that :/. Better play along till it comes back to memory. 

19:54:54 May 15th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

In the meantime... VU News Update.. A Man named Bran, with a plan, and a can, got caught slipping his organ into a horses ... cant say it cause i'll get the ban.

20:40:24 May 15th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

I heard thats another way to make a mule. 

23:20:35 May 15th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

Well, you got a horse and an ass getting funky, so yeah... guess a mule would be the outcome.

00:04:17 May 16th 17 - Sir Dilemma:

There are couple of things that are similar to last era, couple of kingdoms fighting at oop while couple are resting, preparing for future wars. The main difference was that Abydos was able to take down Knights of RO quickly, and never be stopped, taking too many spoils and getting huge armies, which were too strong for Albatross to stop. This era Collective had some gained some ground, but unlike what Abydos did last era, Collective is unable to completely take down Abydos to gain spoils in order to fight Dark Riders and MAD. 

Very soon Abydos then hit Dark Riders in the back and they were destroyed quickly, which seems to be the outcome of this era, with exception that Abydos and Dark Riders switched places now, and its DR that will hit Abydos in the back (not backstab, but just attack where Aby does not have many armies, because they must fight Collective on the other side of the core) 

Maybe its time for a truce flag...
So Aby can prep their defences on the other side of their core?

00:07:53 May 16th 17 - Mr. Bling The Mad:

04:47:18 May 16th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

Exactly what Bling said lol 

06:38:42 May 16th 17 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Hmmm...... why this name sound so familiar....


City Info
Owner: Prince Root SaintKingdom Banner
Size: 7826 building(s).
Kingdom: Albatross
Race: Elf
Gates: open

Duke Kathandarion of Imperia

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Kathandarion of Imperia) and was a member of Kingdom Of Jarri


Duke Kathandarion of Imperia

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Iahill of Dol Aoth) and was a member of Kingdom Of Imperia


06:59:54 May 16th 17 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Give the guy a chance, don't let past determine who he is now.

Sure, he was given many chances, don't know if he blew all of the chances...
We will let Alba handle their internal things...

By the way,

Many years ago, as a new player, just learning about the game
And this poor soul wanted to try to settle his own kingdom
Got himself a couple of friends, they all got active, they did well.

But his mistake... the name of the kingdom.
Justin, the bully arrives

Yes that is true ladies and gentlemen
That is Justin being a bully to a new player, making him change the name of the kingdom, basically fcking up the entire set up for the players
They had to change name of the kingdom, thats really poor from you Justin.

You should apologize.

Don't know how I found this. (2012)
But you are a bully Justin.
Admit it.

07:01:26 May 16th 17 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

The message is ofc a joke, 

Justin was cool, and wished good luck :)

07:15:28 May 16th 17 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

9 years ago, I bullied Justanius.... :P

1 week ago, I bullied him again on Valhalla :D :D :D

16:59:31 May 16th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

Yeah nice wedding present TBL, but I am still kicking and will have some stuff in store for you lot :p. Also I was freaking out as I read that message I dont remember bullying anyone. 2012 look at how old that is that! Was that you dark spawn? looooool. Who was it I do remember that happening but vaguely. Funny thing is that was my story and those friends where like me, bogdan, qass, cyberassasin, megas nikos, rumpnissen, so many that my minds gone hazy. Ohhh I miss the good old days, Back then new players fought new players. Without any vets involved so Mantrax and Zetamania where real worlds to train and learn. Now they are nub bashing central which is sad. I am completely against this multiple worlds where vets are allowed in all of them. 

17:29:17 May 16th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

I miss Qassim :( Maybe by now, he's already added a second or third wife to his first one .... :P

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