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Forums / In game politics / Vu bot/Natives are funny!!

Vu bot/Natives are funny!!
20:51:02 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Ding:

here we can post what those natives think of us!

VUbot, ding?

Ding I was the founder of the name Ding and he used it to minipulate people and bend rules and twist them around his little finger to get what he wants. He is not only the founder of the name ding but if any one copies him he will arise from his grave and shoot you down using his teeth! Oh and next era he might even found his own kingdom called Ding Goes Da Bell.

21:22:53 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

not exactly ingame politics is it

21:28:10 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

sum1 put it into the hangaround. or better, delete it.

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