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Forums / In game politics / wots the skype channel called

wots the skype channel called
01:02:32 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Beadlefinger:

i used to play vu

whats the skype channel called so i can join?

02:24:45 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

02:30:21 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Beadlefinger:

so i got brans skype from that...and thats all....thanks much 

02:30:53 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Beadlefinger:

dont feel like talking politix

02:42:48 Jan 27th 18 - The Hostile:

People really still use skype?

02:45:52 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Jeremybeadlehand:

i dunno...did vu die?

02:52:06 Jan 27th 18 - Mr. Jeremybeadlehand:

guess its goodbye once again. game is truly dead. :P

all the best ]


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