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Forums / Questions and Answers / Berserker Slaughter

Berserker Slaughter
10:23:04 May 24th 18 - Mr. Mattathia:

At what % does stack of 100% Berserker perform 100% slaughter of enemy in Army-Army?

What Mattathia mean by this is such: You know how in normal army 99% is not slaughter and some enemy army survive and escape in Army-Army attack? At 100% (3x power of enemy) all of enemy are dead, 100% slaughter.

With Berseker you not need 100% for slaughter. Also can make wipe of self if attack enemy at 1%. Mattathia have friend with Berserker that is had 85ish%- this is enough for stackwipe? Is 90%? Friend will have 92 soon, is this enough for slaughter? What about 95%?

What % is needed for Berserker to perform complete slaughter?

(Mattathia have huge brain and is asking for a friend.)

Thank you for time.

Bless you.

12:25:16 Jun 6th 18 - Mr. Trundle:

99% did not work.


They surrendered. Mr. Trundle. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 1512 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 2004 enemy troops.

Trial And Error (your army)

Pends on how good of a 99% you have since anything from 2 times as strong to 2.9 times as strong is a 99% on opposing army also any race can sluaghter at a 99% I've done it as human twice with an army of knights. 

Also morale of opposing army may be a factor that we are not equating for

05:13:10 Jun 7th 18 - Mr. Gaia Collector:

I am told by an experienced Troll player that the dice roll you get at any % also factors into whether or not the slaughter happens.

09:23:01 Jun 7th 18 - Mr. Trundle:

I did it at the highest possible 99%

I was holding an army hostage in one of my cities.

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